Experimental Poetry 11
This experimental poem splits words in random places.
To illustrate this idea, I use my Haiku 305
powerful wind gusts slip through the windowsill cracks winter inside me
Now consider the effect of splitting each word (or not) at random places.
First, I have a parameter that is set to between 0 and 1, call it k. I then assign each word in the poem a random number between 0 and 1, call it ri. If ri >= k, then that word will get randomly split. The smaller you make k, the more words in the poem will be split.
The way the random split works is, first I get the length of the word, Li. Then I split the word at randbetween(1,Li). I then use the left() and mid() functions and concatenate to put the pieces together.
Here are some examples:
pow erful wi nd gu sts sl ip th rough th e wind owsill c racks win ter ins ide m e
powe rful wi nd gus ts s lip thro ugh the win dowsill cr acks wint er i nside m e
Check out the random splitting spreadsheet here. You are free to edit it as needed, but please credit Statisticool.com if you use this idea.
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