


I have seen many funny or odd products on Amazon, so I thought it would be funny to blog about, so I created Oddmazon.com.

The word "odd" is self-explanatory, and "mazon" means "food" or "sustenance" in Hebrew. Here you can get "Your daily fill of Odd".

It is a blog about many odd, funny, amusing, comical, whimsical, different, strange, unusual, hysterical, bizarre, gross, unexpected, and peculiar products. Here, these are called "prODDucts". Every few days, or weeks, I post about a prODDuct at the Oddmazon blog.

Meet our Mascots

Below are Oddsito and Oddmiga, the two mascots at Oddmazon.com


Oddsito represents all the products we buy. Oddsito mainly likes to be useful but also likes to sit around and relax.

Oddmiga represents the people that love odd products. Oddmiga is brave and loves trying new things.

A sample prODDuct

Check out a randomly selected prODDuct below

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