FISTS Keynote Article


I was honored to have an article published in FISTS' "The KeyNote", Issue 2, 2015. I did an article for newbies, by a newbie, about what led me to cw, as well as interesting YouTube videos on cw.

Here is the article:

CW YouTube Videos

The radio bug bit me I became a ham in 2013 and joined FISTS in 2014, after "discovering" that Morse code is the language of radio. I immediately had a feeling of being overwhelmed, and asking myself "what did I just get into?" since I didn't actually know much Morse code, let alone how to do CW on the radio. Therefore, I knew I had to practice and learn Morse code. Before that, however, I had to find some good resources for learning.

YouTube to the rescue! This particular resource has been invaluable to me in the past to learn a variety of home repair "DIY" topics. Since 2014, I have joined various CW clubs, made dozens of contacts, been ARRL certified at 10 WPM, and more importantly, have found a lot of fun and camaraderie in the CW community. I was even motivated to share Morse code with others, and created my own YouTube channel on the topic of Morse code.

Our best resource is probably to practice on-air in QSOs with real people, make mistakes, correct mistakes, and practice on-air some more, and repeat that cycle ad infinitum, but there are many CW YouTube videos that can supplement that learning experience. I am amazed at the sheer variety of Morse code videos out there. Everything from Morse code music, jewelry, clothing, to apps for the smart phone and tablet, computer programs, decoders, different types of keys, CW clubs, sending CW at blazing fast speeds, historical films, armed forces training, recordings of QSOs, contests, animals pecking on a window or table, and school projects.

There are way too many cool Morse code videos to list, but here are some that I hope you enjoy as much as I have. I encourage readers to not only do more CW QSOs, but to also give posting a video about CW to YouTube a try so others, especially those not familiar with CW, can learn something new.


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