Zip to Blue Chip
I'm going to apply persistence, patience, and the power of exponential growth to make sweet, free money (yes, I'll be paying taxes, of course!). This idea is something anybody can do. I'll share my progress and what I've learned along the way.
What is better than free (and legal!) money? I decided to do something with the free money I find. I'm going to save it until I have enough to invest in stocks which will hopefully grow in value and pay a regular, and regularly increasing, dividend (hence the "blue chip" in the title).

Ok, I did have to share this. I found all of this change today in the reject tray of a Coinstar machine. It is $4.78, of which there are 5 copper pennies, 6 nickels, 1 silver dime, and 1 dollar coin. There are also about 20 foreign coins, mostly Euros.

Hi all, this is my last post to my Zip to Blue Chip webpage. I no longer have the time to give proper attention to this webpage. These stocks will be 'absorbed' by my main stock portfolio. I will still, of course, continue to find and pickup change and invest it in stocks and other investments, just not actively track performance and other details on this webpage anymore.Thanks for reading/watching, and I hope I proved a point here. Thanks!
Cash: $3.96
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $15.26 | $15.26 |
CIM | 12 | $3.13 | $37.56 |
F | 1 | $16.41 | $16.41 |
ONP | 9 | $2.27 | $20.43 |
RSH | 10 | $1.42 | $14.20 |
UMC | 8 | $2.31 | $18.48 |
XRX | 1 | $12.41 | $12.41 |
Total | $134.75 |
I've just been up to finding change! I've found the majority recently at supermarkets. I'm trying to work on my saving skills a little more and make a "big" purchase.
I found my first silver item!

Cash: $.17
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $15.24 | $15.24 |
CIM | 12 | $3.08 | $36.96 |
F | 1 | $16.12 | $16.12 |
ONP | 9 | $2.37 | $21.33 |
RSH | 10 | $1.44 | $14.40 |
UMC | 8 | $2.13 | $17.04 |
XRX | 1 | $12.11 | $12.11 |
Total | $133.20 |
This month I was able to buy a share with some saved-up cash.
I also set up each stock in this Zip to Blue Chip portfolio to be on a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP). This makes it so any dividends received are invested in fractional shares of that stocks, sort of an auto-pilot type of thing. So soon you may see that instead of 1 share in something, I have 1.03 shares, for example.
DRIPping can be beneficial. As an example, if you assume prices of the stocks are constant, and the dividends per year are constant, and at the end of each year I reinvest the dividends from a stock in that stock, DRIPping over a 30 year period would turn the $133.20 into ~$1,190, all on autopilot. DRIPping might be a bad idea if you want to use the money from the dividends on other things.
Cash: $.19
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $17.33 | $17.33 |
CIM | 11 | $3.13 | $34.43 |
F | 1 | $15.62 | $15.62 |
ONP | 9 | $2.73 | $24.57 |
RSH | 10 | $2.15 | $21.50 |
UMC | 8 | $2.07 | $16.56 |
XRX | 1 | $10.93 | $10.93 |
Total | $140.94 |
This month I was able to buy a few shares with some cash, so no complaints here. I'm not sure the reason, other than variability, but I seem to be finding only very small amounts of change at work recently.
The major news for my portfolio is that RadioShack made the decision to close a lot of stores. It could be argued that this is bad news, but it could also be argued that this is good news.
I wish I could devote more time to this project, as I find it really interesting to track and show more detailed statistics of the whole process, but I'm also glad to have a very busy and rewarding life away from the computer, so updates will continue to be short-ish.
Cash: $6.05
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $16.75 | $16.75 |
CIM | 11 | $3.12 | $34.32 |
F | 1 | $14.96 | $14.96 |
ONP | 9 | $2.50 | $22.50 |
RSH | 7 | $2.40 | $16.80 |
UMC | 8 | $2.02 | $16.16 |
XRX | 1 | $10.85 | $10.85 |
Total | $132.34 |
Another milestone in the Zip to Blue Chip project; the first time I received a dividend from these stocks that was over $1 (~$3 came from CIM):

So, let's recap, started out with $0, found change on the ground, saved enough to invest in stocks, invested in stocks, received dividends from stocks. All of this money is essentially free (opportunity cost aside) as well.
It really is that simple.
Cash: $.77
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $16.41 | $16.41 |
CIM | 11 | $3.14 | $34.54 |
F | 1 | $15.51 | $15.51 |
ONP | 9 | $2.74 | $24.66 |
RSH | 6 | $2.65 | $15.90 |
UMC | 8 | $2.00 | $16.00 |
XRX | 1 | $11.99 | $11.99 |
Total | $135.01 |
I had some fun with this project in January. I ended up finding several wheat pennies actually (Lincoln pennies that are pre-1959. There's not many coins this time of year at the track because it is cold, and there are no sports being played! However, supermarkets and stores are busier this time of year, so those pick up some of the slack.
Oh, just a reminder that every once in a while you should re-read the disclaimer I have at the top of the page.
Here's to hoping your new year will be healthy and productive!
Cash: $1.96
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $15.43 | $15.43 |
CIM | 11 | $2.98 | $32.78 |
F | 1 | $16.74 | $16.74 |
ONP | 9 | $2.76 | $24.84 |
RSH | 6 | $2.93 | $17.58 |
UMC | 7 | $1.96 | $13.72 |
XRX | 1 | $11.04 | $11.04 |
Total | $132.13 |
November was an OK month. It seemed like I was finding small amounts of change everyday. I'm still working on researching Treasuries, as well as being somewhat amused by the price action of Bitcoin and other so-called cryptocurrencies.
Cash: $4.11
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $14.30 | $14.30 |
CIM | 8 | $3.10 | $24.80 |
F | 1 | $17.64 | $17.64 |
ONP | 9 | $1.90 | $17.10 |
RSH | 6 | $2.88 | $17.28 |
UMC | 7 | $2.07 | $14.49 |
XRX | 1 | $9.74 | $9.74 |
Total | $115.35 |
October was a productive month. I collected some cash, and was able to buy a small amount of stock. At this point, football and other sports are still in session, so the under-the-bleacher ares are still yielding some coins.
I know this is Zip to Blue Chip, as in stocks, but I've been involved more and more with Treasuries of all sorts recently.
Cash: $3.72
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $13.90 | $13.90 |
CIM | 6 | $3.05 | $18.30 |
F | 1 | $17.05 | $17.05 |
ONP | 9 | $1.72 | $15.48 |
RSH | 6 | $3.44 | $20.64 |
UMC | 7 | $2.05 | $14.35 |
XRX | 1 | $10.37 | $10.37 |
Total | $110.09 |
September was an OK month. Football season has started up, and I was able to find quite a bit of change under and around the bleachers at the football field. I jog/walk around the track, then take a quick walk under the bleachers to hunt for money. I make finding money part of my strange is that! I also found some change around the concession standa area.
Cash: $1.06
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $14.12 | $14.12 |
CIM | 6 | $2.94 | $17.64 |
F | 1 | $16.19 | $16.19 |
ONP | 9 | $1.68 | $15.12 |
RSH | 6 | $3.27 | $19.62 |
UMC | 7 | $1.96 | $13.72 |
XRX | 1 | $9.98 | $9.98 |
Total | $106.39 |
August was a pretty good month. We were able to find a lot of change on the ground thanks to Canadians and their $1 and $2 coins!
Cash: $12.80
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $14.45 | $14.45 |
CIM | 2 | $3.03 | $6.06 |
F | 1 | $17.02 | $17.02 |
ONP | 9 | $1.91 | $17.19 |
RSH | 6 | $2.76 | $16.56 |
UMC | 7 | $2.04 | $14.28 |
XRX | 1 | $10.03 | $10.03 |
Total | $95.59 |
July was another good month for finding money. We took a vacation and found almost $10 in parking meters, on the sidewalk, shopping centers, grocery stores, and in parking lots, just walking around the city.
Cash: $11.13
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
BAC | 1 | $12.86 | $12.86 |
CIM | 2 | $3.00 | $6.00 |
F | 1 | $15.47 | $15.47 |
ONP | 9 | $1.51 | $13.59 |
RSH | 3 | $3.16 | $9.48 |
UMC | 7 | $2.33 | $16.31 |
XRX | 1 | $9.07 | $9.07 |
Total | $93.91 |
June was a great month for finding a lot of small amounts of change. Recently, it has been so rainy, that finding change at the highschool track is difficult to impossible because of all the puddles and mud everywhere.
One thing I'm proud of with this project is that it is one of many DIY investment projects that does its part in helping to eliminate the BS that is so abundant with people that sell investment products. Why, for a completely hypothetical example, if your 'amazing system to make $10,000 in one month!" works so well as you advertise, do you sell it for $59.99, instead of using it yourself? Who the heck do you think you are fooling?
Cash: $.31
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.70 | $11.10 |
UMC | 7 | $2.17 | $15.19 |
CIM | 2 | $3.05 | $6.10 |
BAC | 1 | $13.66 | $13.66 |
ONP | 9 | $1.75 | $15.75 |
F | 1 | $15.68 | $15.68 |
XRX | 1 | $8.79 | $8.79 |
ARR | 2 | $5.16 | $10.32 |
Total | $96.59 |
Having a little (OK, a lot) less free time has paradoxically given me more focus. I have been keeping an eye out for money on the ground even more now. Not surprisingly I have found more as a result of this.
I'm pretty proud of the ~$100 so far. I plan to shut down this page at some point in the future, but I will keep picking up money, and keep these stocks, as long as I can!
Recently I've become a new dad!!!, so it is difficult to find time to do this accounting and keep up with the updates in all their detail.I will no longer be doing updates each time I find money, but will post updates on a monthly basis, starting at the end of 5/2013.
Found: $.88
Cash: $1.95
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.34 | $10.02 |
UMC | 7 | $1.80 | $12.60 |
CIM | 2 | $3.17 | $6.34 |
BAC | 1 | $11.97 | $11.97 |
ONP | 6 | $1.76 | $10.56 |
F | 1 | $12.44 | $12.44 |
XRX | 1 | $8.63 | $8.63 |
ARR | 1 | $6.47 | $6.47 |
Total | $79.03 |
Today I found $.87 at the highschool track and $.01 at a convenience store!
Found: $.11
Cash: $1.07
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.16 | $9.48 |
UMC | 7 | $1.82 | $12.74 |
CIM | 2 | $3.25 | $6.50 |
BAC | 1 | $12.15 | $12.15 |
ONP | 6 | $1.75 | $10.50 |
F | 1 | $13.01 | $13.01 |
XRX | 1 | $8.85 | $8.85 |
ARR | 1 | $6.38 | $6.38 |
Total | $79.61 |
Today I found $.11 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.26
Cash: $.96
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.27 | $9.81 |
UMC | 7 | $1.80 | $12.60 |
CIM | 2 | $3.21 | $6.42 |
BAC | 1 | $12.15 | $12.15 |
ONP | 6 | $1.75 | $10.50 |
F | 1 | $12.90 | $12.90 |
XRX | 1 | $8.60 | $8.60 |
ARR | 1 | $6.44 | $6.44 |
Total | $79.42 |
Today I found $.26 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.20
Cash: $.70
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.36 | $10.08 |
UMC | 7 | $1.80 | $12.60 |
CIM | 2 | $3.19 | $6.38 |
BAC | 1 | $12.18 | $12.18 |
ONP | 6 | $1.78 | $10.68 |
F | 1 | $13.15 | $13.15 |
XRX | 1 | $8.60 | $8.60 |
ARR | 1 | $6.53 | $6.53 |
Total | $80.20 |
Today I found $.20 at the track at the highschool - two dimes staring me in face.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.50
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.36 | $10.08 |
UMC | 7 | $1.80 | $12.60 |
CIM | 2 | $3.19 | $6.38 |
BAC | 1 | $12.18 | $12.18 |
ONP | 6 | $1.78 | $10.68 |
F | 1 | $13.15 | $13.15 |
XRX | 1 | $8.60 | $8.60 |
ARR | 1 | $6.53 | $6.53 |
Total | $80.20 |
Today I found $.01 at a clothing store.
Found: $.18
Cash: $.49
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.54 | $10.62 |
UMC | 7 | $1.81 | $12.67 |
CIM | 2 | $3.25 | $6.50 |
BAC | 1 | $12.56 | $12.56 |
ONP | 6 | $1.86 | $11.16 |
F | 1 | $13.26 | $13.26 |
XRX | 1 | $8.60 | $8.60 |
ARR | 1 | $6.34 | $6.34 |
Total | $81.71 |
Today I found $.18 while walking around at the highschool track, looking under the bleachers, and at the supermarket.
Found: $.02
Dividends!: $.01
Cash: $.31
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.54 | $10.62 |
UMC | 7 | $1.81 | $12.67 |
CIM | 2 | $3.25 | $6.50 |
BAC | 1 | $12.56 | $12.56 |
ONP | 6 | $1.86 | $11.16 |
F | 1 | $13.26 | $13.26 |
XRX | 1 | $8.60 | $8.60 |
ARR | 1 | $6.34 | $6.34 |
Total | $81.71 |
Today I found $.02 at a police station. I also received $.01 from 1 share of Bank of America (BAC).
Found: $.01
Cash: $.28
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.54 | $10.62 |
UMC | 7 | $1.81 | $12.67 |
CIM | 2 | $3.25 | $6.50 |
BAC | 1 | $12.56 | $12.56 |
ONP | 6 | $1.86 | $11.16 |
F | 1 | $13.26 | $13.26 |
XRX | 1 | $8.60 | $8.60 |
ARR | 1 | $6.34 | $6.34 |
Total | $81.71 |
Today I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
Oh, tomorrow, 3/23/13, marks the 1 year anniversary that I've been doing this Zip to Blue Chip experiment. Here are some statistics:
- I've found money 197 of 365 days.
- The sum of dividends received is $.67.
- I find pennies most frequently, then dimes, then quarters, then nickels.
- 2 out of the 8 stocks I own are foreign. That's not to say that the others don't have international activity, however.
- The largest % I own of these companies is .0000325027% (for ONP).
- 5 stocks pay quarterly dividends, 1 pays monthly, 1 pays yearly, and 1 does not pay dividends.
- The highest dividend yield is 13.25%.
- I judge 6 out of 8 of these stocks to be undervalued based on EPS and BVPS.
- If I define Grand Total to be the Total ($81.71) + cash ($.28) = $81.99, and divide this by the Total Found ($69.80), I get ~1.175. In other words, I have been better off investing the found cash.
Found: $.26
Cash: $.27
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.78 | $11.34 |
UMC | 7 | $1.83 | $12.81 |
CIM | 2 | $3.16 | $6.32 |
BAC | 1 | $12.78 | $12.78 |
ONP | 6 | $1.91 | $11.46 |
F | 1 | $13.36 | $13.36 |
XRX | 1 | $8.76 | $8.76 |
ARR | 1 | $6.29 | $6.29 |
Total | $83.12 |
Today I found $.26 outside a strip mall.
Found: $.03
Cash: $.01
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.69 | $11.07 |
UMC | 7 | $1.84 | $12.88 |
CIM | 2 | $3.19 | $6.38 |
BAC | 1 | $12.56 | $12.56 |
ONP | 6 | $1.81 | $10.86 |
F | 1 | $13.26 | $13.26 |
XRX | 1 | $8.66 | $8.66 |
ARR | 1 | $6.34 | $6.34 |
Total | $82.01 |
Today I found $.03 in the cafeteria at work. Later on, I bought some shares of companies with my newly found loot:
- 1 share Xerox (XRX) for $8.63. It seems Xerox may be making some type of comeback. Since they are such a well-known brand, and they recently increased their dividend, I thought it was good to pick up. I value them at ~ $13.94 per share.
- 1 share ARMOUR Residential REIT, Inc. (ARR) for $6.32. This pays a monthly dividend which will help me get some income. I value them at ~ $12.83 per share.
- 3 shares United Microelectronics Corp (UMC) for $5.49. Here I was adding to my position.
Found: $.01
Cash: $20.42
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.54 | $10.62 |
UMC | 4 | $1.85 | $7.40 |
CIM | 2 | $3.18 | $6.36 |
BAC | 1 | $12.57 | $12.57 |
ONP | 6 | $1.83 | $10.98 |
F | 1 | $13.45 | $13.45 |
Total | $61.38 |
Today I found $.01 while walking around the neighborhood.
Found: $20.10
Cash: $20.41
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.54 | $10.62 |
UMC | 4 | $1.85 | $7.40 |
CIM | 2 | $3.18 | $6.36 |
BAC | 1 | $12.57 | $12.57 |
ONP | 6 | $1.83 | $10.98 |
F | 1 | $13.45 | $13.45 |
Total | $61.38 |
Today I found... $20.10.
I went in for an oil change and found $.05. After the oil change, I went to the supermarket, and found $.04. Then, later on in the day, we went to a department store. While walking from our car to the door of the department store, I spotted a $20 bill. My wife is my witness! She said I have never moved so fast. Much later on in the day, I found $.01 at the track at the highschool.
This is major, just like it was on 7/30/12 when I found a $20 bill. It always surprises me how much random events play in one's life.
Found: $.11
Cash: $.31
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.54 | $10.62 |
UMC | 4 | $1.85 | $7.40 |
CIM | 2 | $3.18 | $6.36 |
BAC | 1 | $12.57 | $12.57 |
ONP | 6 | $1.83 | $10.98 |
F | 1 | $13.45 | $13.45 |
Total | $61.38 |
Today I found $.11 in the parking structure at work and the cafeteria.
Found: $.10
Cash: $.20
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.39 | $10.17 |
UMC | 4 | $1.91 | $7.64 |
CIM | 2 | $3.20 | $6.40 |
BAC | 1 | $12.11 | $12.11 |
ONP | 6 | $1.80 | $10.80 |
F | 1 | $13.43 | $13.43 |
Total | $60.55 |
Today I found $.10 in the cafeteria at work. Later I bought 2 shares of ONP for $3.56 total.
Found: $.05
Cash: $3.66
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.34 | $10.02 |
UMC | 4 | $1.87 | $7.48 |
CIM | 2 | $3.19 | $6.38 |
BAC | 1 | $12.06 | $12.06 |
ONP | 4 | $1.78 | $7.12 |
F | 1 | $13.40 | $13.40 |
Total | $56.46 |
Today I found $.03 in a clothing store, and another $.02 in a convenience store parking lot.
Found: $.02
Cash: $3.61
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.48 | $10.44 |
UMC | 4 | $1.82 | $7.28 |
CIM | 2 | $3.19 | $6.38 |
BAC | 1 | $12.15 | $12.15 |
ONP | 4 | $1.97 | $7.88 |
F | 1 | $13.34 | $13.34 |
Total | $57.47 |
Today I found $.01 in a clothing store, and another $.01 in a convenience store parking lot.
Found: $.40
Cash: $3.59
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.27 | $9.81 |
UMC | 4 | $1.84 | $7.36 |
CIM | 2 | $3.10 | $6.20 |
BAC | 1 | $12.07 | $12.07 |
ONP | 4 | $2.23 | $8.92 |
F | 1 | $12.98 | $12.98 |
Total | $57.34 |
Today I found $.28 at the highschool track! Lacrosse season just started, so now, after a pretty vacant winter, there will be people in the bleachers...dropping money for me hopefully. :o) Later on, we found $.12 on a university campus.
Found: $.11
Cash: $3.19
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.27 | $9.81 |
UMC | 4 | $1.84 | $7.36 |
CIM | 2 | $3.10 | $6.20 |
BAC | 1 | $12.07 | $12.07 |
ONP | 4 | $2.23 | $8.92 |
F | 1 | $12.98 | $12.98 |
Total | $57.34 |
Today I found $.11 in the cafeteria at work.
Today I was looking at the price of copper. Did you know that the current market value of the copper in a copper Lincoln penny is about $.02? Check out CoinFlation when you have a chance.
Found: $.25
Cash: $3.08
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.41 | $10.23 |
UMC | 4 | $1.86 | $7.44 |
CIM | 2 | $3.14 | $6.28 |
BAC | 1 | $12.26 | $12.26 |
ONP | 4 | $2.27 | $9.08 |
F | 1 | $12.83 | $12.83 |
Total | $58.12 |
Today I found $.25 at a convenience store. I ended up not even buying anything for once.
If you take the Total + Cash = $58.12 + $3.08, you get $61.20. If you add up all the money I found, it would be $48.60. So my investments so far have yielded $61.20/$48.60 = 1.2593 times, or 25.93%, more money than I've found. That is a gain so far of $12.60. Works for me!
Found: $.05
Cash: $2.83
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.06 | $9.18 |
UMC | 4 | $1.86 | $7.44 |
CIM | 2 | $3.08 | $6.16 |
BAC | 1 | $11.55 | $11.55 |
ONP | 4 | $2.04 | $8.16 |
F | 1 | $12.87 | $12.87 |
Total | $55.36 |
Today I found $.05 at the supermarket. Of course I spent like $70, but that's another story.
Found: $.03
Cash: $2.78
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.04 | $9.12 |
UMC | 4 | $1.83 | $7.32 |
CIM | 2 | $3.06 | $6.12 |
BAC | 1 | $11.34 | $11.34 |
ONP | 4 | $2.02 | $8.08 |
F | 1 | $12.61 | $12.61 |
Total | $54.59 |
Today I found $.03 while out shopping!
Found: $.04
Dividends!: $.10
Cash: $2.75
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.04 | $9.12 |
UMC | 4 | $1.83 | $7.32 |
CIM | 2 | $3.06 | $6.12 |
BAC | 1 | $11.34 | $11.34 |
ONP | 4 | $2.02 | $8.08 |
F | 1 | $12.61 | $12.61 |
Total | $54.59 |
Today I found $.04 walking around at work and at the hospital.
I also received $.10 in dividends from holding 1 share of Ford (F)!
Found: $.05
Cash: $2.61
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.05 | $9.15 |
UMC | 4 | $1.85 | $7.40 |
CIM | 2 | $2.92 | $5.84 |
BAC | 1 | $11.03 | $11.03 |
ONP | 4 | $2.12 | $8.48 |
F | 1 | $12.13 | $12.13 |
Total | $54.03 |
Today I found $.05 while walking around the block. Thank you neighbors!
Found: $.13
Cash: $2.56
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.06 | $9.18 |
UMC | 4 | $1.90 | $7.60 |
CIM | 2 | $2.93 | $5.86 |
BAC | 1 | $11.44 | $11.44 |
ONP | 4 | $2.29 | $9.16 |
F | 1 | $12.48 | $12.48 |
Total | $55.72 |
Today I found $.12 while jogging around the neighborhood and $.01 while walking at the highschool track. I also found, oddly enough, a 2004 1 pound coin.
Found: $.28
Cash: $2.43
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.06 | $9.18 |
UMC | 4 | $1.90 | $7.60 |
CIM | 2 | $2.93 | $5.86 |
BAC | 1 | $11.44 | $11.44 |
ONP | 4 | $2.29 | $9.16 |
F | 1 | $12.48 | $12.48 |
Total | $55.72 |
Today we found $.28 while walking around the local mall.
Found: $.07
Cash: $2.15
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.28 | $9.84 |
UMC | 4 | $2.11 | $8.44 |
CIM | 2 | $2.98 | $5.96 |
BAC | 1 | $11.83 | $11.83 |
ONP | 4 | $2.80 | $11.20 |
F | 1 | $12.60 | $12.60 |
Total | $59.87 |
I is getting a bit cliche', but today I found $.07 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.14
Cash: $2.08
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.43 | $10.29 |
UMC | 4 | $1.90 | $7.60 |
CIM | 2 | $2.99 | $5.98 |
BAC | 1 | $12.19 | $12.19 |
ONP | 4 | $2.42 | $9.68 |
F | 1 | $12.99 | $12.99 |
Total | $58.73 |
Today I found $.14 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.20
Cash: $1.94
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.27 | $9.81 |
UMC | 4 | $1.89 | $7.56 |
CIM | 2 | $3.06 | $6.12 |
BAC | 1 | $12.03 | $12.03 |
ONP | 4 | $2.40 | $9.60 |
F | 1 | $13.02 | $13.02 |
Total | $58.14 |
Today we found $.20 while walking around DC!
Found: $.23
Cash: $1.74
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.27 | $9.81 |
UMC | 4 | $1.89 | $7.56 |
CIM | 2 | $3.06 | $6.12 |
BAC | 1 | $12.03 | $12.03 |
ONP | 4 | $2.40 | $9.60 |
F | 1 | $13.02 | $13.02 |
Total | $58.14 |
Today I found $.23 at a shopping mall. We only went shopping because there was a power outage in our area and we needed some heat!
Found: $.10
Cash: $1.51
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.27 | $9.81 |
UMC | 4 | $1.89 | $7.56 |
CIM | 2 | $3.06 | $6.12 |
BAC | 1 | $12.03 | $12.03 |
ONP | 4 | $2.40 | $9.60 |
F | 1 | $13.02 | $13.02 |
Total | $58.14 |
Today I found $.10 at the highschool track.
Found: $.01
Cash: $1.41
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.33 | $9.99 |
UMC | 4 | $1.88 | $7.52 |
CIM | 2 | $3.07 | $6.14 |
BAC | 1 | $12.13 | $12.13 |
ONP | 4 | $2.18 | $8.72 |
F | 1 | $13.11 | $13.11 |
Total | $57.61 |
Today I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.03
Cash: $1.40
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.37 | $10.11 |
UMC | 4 | $1.91 | $7.64 |
CIM | 2 | $3.07 | $6.14 |
BAC | 1 | $12.17 | $12.17 |
ONP | 4 | $2.22 | $8.88 |
F | 1 | $13.04 | $13.04 |
Total | $57.98 |
Today I found $.03 in the cafeteria at work and walking outside at work.
Found: $.06
Cash: $1.37
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.35 | $10.05 |
UMC | 4 | $1.91 | $7.64 |
CIM | 2 | $3.10 | $6.20 |
BAC | 1 | $12.24 | $12.24 |
ONP | 4 | $2.15 | $8.60 |
F | 1 | $13.08 | $13.08 |
Total | $57.81 |
Today I found $.06 in a convenience store and its parking lot, and a home goods store - all pennies.
Goal setting in investing is very important! I have a goal with this experiment to get the Total to $100 by the end of 2013.
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.31
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.42 | $10.26 |
UMC | 4 | $1.88 | $7.52 |
CIM | 2 | $3.06 | $6.12 |
BAC | 1 | $11.76 | $11.76 |
ONP | 4 | $2.11 | $8.44 |
F | 1 | $13.10 | $13.10 |
Total | $57.20 |
Today I found $.02 in a parking lot.
What stock am I saving up for? It could be an entirely new company, but most likely it will be one of the companies I've already bought that happens to be the most on sale at the time.
Found: $.10
Cash: $1.29
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.42 | $10.26 |
UMC | 4 | $1.88 | $7.52 |
CIM | 2 | $3.06 | $6.12 |
BAC | 1 | $11.76 | $11.76 |
ONP | 4 | $2.11 | $8.44 |
F | 1 | $13.10 | $13.10 |
Total | $57.20 |
Today I found $.10 in the parking structure at work. Happy Friday, and chun jie kuai le for 2/10/13!
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.19
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.11 | $9.33 |
UMC | 4 | $1.89 | $7.56 |
CIM | 2 | $3.05 | $6.10 |
BAC | 1 | $11.84 | $11.84 |
ONP | 4 | $2.09 | $8.36 |
F | 1 | $13.07 | $13.07 |
Total | $56.26 |
Today I found $.02 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.17
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.18 | $9.54 |
UMC | 4 | $1.95 | $7.80 |
CIM | 2 | $3.10 | $6.20 |
BAC | 1 | $11.93 | $11.93 |
ONP | 4 | $2.20 | $8.80 |
F | 1 | $13.20 | $13.20 |
Total | $57.47 |
Today we found $.01 in the cafeteria at work, and $.01 in the halls at work.
Found: $1.04
Cash: $1.15
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.15 | $9.45 |
UMC | 4 | $1.91 | $7.64 |
CIM | 2 | $3.07 | $6.14 |
BAC | 1 | $11.88 | $11.88 |
ONP | 4 | $2.12 | $8.48 |
F | 1 | $13.18 | $13.18 |
Total | $56.77 |
Wow! Today I found $1.04; $.06 in the cafeteria at work and a pharmacy, and the rest I stole. OK, not exactly. The person in front of me at the grocery store had paid in cash, and then left. When I went to pay, I noticed that they left their change in that little change dispenser tray. They were long gone by that point, so I took it.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.11
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.12 | $9.36 |
UMC | 4 | $1.93 | $7.72 |
CIM | 2 | $3.09 | $6.18 |
BAC | 1 | $11.48 | $11.48 |
ONP | 4 | $2.08 | $8.32 |
F | 1 | $12.88 | $12.88 |
Total | $55.94 |
Today I found $.02 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.01
Cash: $.09
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.18 | $9.54 |
UMC | 4 | $1.95 | $7.80 |
CIM | 2 | $3.12 | $6.24 |
BAC | 1 | $11.71 | $11.71 |
ONP | 4 | $2.20 | $8.80 |
F | 1 | $13.02 | $13.02 |
Total | $57.11 |
Today we found $.01 walking around the neighborhood. It was near a parking meter. Coincidence? I think not!
Found: $.02
Cash: $.08
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.18 | $9.54 |
UMC | 4 | $1.95 | $7.80 |
CIM | 2 | $3.12 | $6.24 |
BAC | 1 | $11.71 | $11.71 |
ONP | 4 | $2.20 | $8.80 |
F | 1 | $13.02 | $13.02 |
Total | $57.11 |
Today I found $.10 in the cafeteria at work. That put me at $2.05 cash, and I bought 1 UMC for $1.97, leaving $.08 in cash.
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.95
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.29 | $9.87 |
UMC | 3 | $1.96 | $5.88 |
CIM | 2 | $3.05 | $6.10 |
BAC | 1 | $11.32 | $11.32 |
ONP | 4 | $2.28 | $9.12 |
F | 1 | $12.95 | $12.95 |
Total | $55.24 |
Today I found $.01 in the parking structure at work and $.01 in the cafeteria at work. Happy Thursday!
Found: $.26
Cash: $1.93
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $3.03 | $9.09 |
UMC | 3 | $1.97 | $5.91 |
CIM | 2 | $3.01 | $6.02 |
BAC | 1 | $11.38 | $11.38 |
ONP | 4 | $2.36 | $9.44 |
F | 1 | $12.93 | $12.93 |
Total | $54.77 |
Today I found $.26 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.13
Cash: $1.67
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.64 | $7.92 |
UMC | 3 | $1.94 | $5.82 |
CIM | 2 | $3.01 | $6.02 |
BAC | 1 | $11.62 | $11.62 |
ONP | 4 | $2.61 | $10.44 |
F | 1 | $13.68 | $13.68 |
Total | $55.50 |
Today we found $.13 in the museums and walking around in DC!
Dividends!: $.18
Cash: $1.54
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.64 | $7.92 |
UMC | 3 | $1.94 | $5.82 |
CIM | 2 | $3.01 | $6.02 |
BAC | 1 | $11.62 | $11.62 |
ONP | 4 | $2.61 | $10.44 |
F | 1 | $13.68 | $13.68 |
Total | $55.50 |
Today I received $.18 from 2 shares of CIM!
While it is fun to daydream of millions of is also nice to consistently make a few cents from your investments.
Found: $.01
Cash: $1.36
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.31 | $6.93 |
UMC | 3 | $1.96 | $5.88 |
CIM | 2 | $2.97 | $5.94 |
BAC | 1 | $11.53 | $11.53 |
ONP | 4 | $2.80 | $11.20 |
F | 1 | $13.87 | $13.87 |
Total | $55.35 |
Today I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
I like the smaller, but consistent finds more than the large, but infrequent finds!
Found: $.03
Cash: $1.35
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.22 | $6.66 |
UMC | 3 | $1.95 | $5.85 |
CIM | 2 | $2.94 | $5.88 |
BAC | 1 | $11.35 | $11.35 |
ONP | 4 | $2.96 | $11.84 |
F | 1 | $14.17 | $14.17 |
Total | $55.75 |
Today I found $.03 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.01
Cash: $1.32
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.32 | $6.96 |
UMC | 3 | $1.98 | $5.94 |
CIM | 2 | $2.94 | $5.88 |
BAC | 1 | $11.42 | $11.42 |
ONP | 4 | $2.84 | $11.36 |
F | 1 | $13.88 | $13.88 |
Total | $55.44 |
Today I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.01
Cash: $1.31
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.23 | $6.69 |
UMC | 3 | $2.00 | $6.00 |
CIM | 2 | $2.93 | $5.86 |
BAC | 1 | $11.14 | $11.14 |
ONP | 4 | $2.47 | $9.88 |
F | 1 | $14.11 | $14.11 |
Total | $53.68 |
Today I found $.01 at the track at the highschool.
Found: $.10
Cash: $1.30
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.23 | $6.69 |
UMC | 3 | $2.00 | $6.00 |
CIM | 2 | $2.93 | $5.86 |
BAC | 1 | $11.14 | $11.14 |
ONP | 4 | $2.47 | $9.88 |
F | 1 | $14.11 | $14.11 |
Total | $53.68 |
Today I found $.10 at the grocery store.
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.20
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.23 | $6.69 |
UMC | 3 | $2.00 | $6.00 |
CIM | 2 | $2.93 | $5.86 |
BAC | 1 | $11.14 | $11.14 |
ONP | 4 | $2.47 | $9.88 |
F | 1 | $14.11 | $14.11 |
Total | $53.68 |
Today I found $.02 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.12
Cash: $1.18
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.23 | $6.69 |
UMC | 3 | $1.97 | $5.91 |
CIM | 2 | $2.85 | $5.70 |
BAC | 1 | $11.78 | $11.78 |
ONP | 4 | $1.95 | $7.80 |
F | 1 | $14.22 | $14.22 |
Total | $52.10 |
Today I found $.12 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.01
Cash: $1.06
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.20 | $6.60 |
UMC | 3 | $2.02 | $6.06 |
CIM | 2 | $2.81 | $5.62 |
BAC | 1 | $11.55 | $11.55 |
ONP | 4 | $1.86 | $7.44 |
F | 1 | $14.30 | $14.30 |
Total | $51.57 |
Today I found $.01 at a home improvement store.
Found: $.27
Cash: $1.05
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.22 | $6.66 |
UMC | 3 | $2.07 | $6.21 |
CIM | 2 | $2.80 | $5.60 |
BAC | 1 | $11.63 | $11.63 |
ONP | 4 | $1.79 | $7.16 |
F | 1 | $14.00 | $14.00 |
Total | $51.26 |
Today I found $.01 while walking around the track at the highschool. Later on in the day we found $.26 walking around the neighborhood.
Found: $.03
Cash: $.78
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.22 | $6.66 |
UMC | 3 | $2.07 | $6.21 |
CIM | 2 | $2.80 | $5.60 |
BAC | 1 | $11.63 | $11.63 |
ONP | 4 | $1.79 | $7.16 |
F | 1 | $14.00 | $14.00 |
Total | $51.26 |
Today I found $.03 in the cafeteria at work and in the halls at work.
Found: $.54
Dividends!: $.03
Cash: $.75
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.10 | $6.30 |
UMC | 3 | $2.05 | $6.15 |
CIM | 2 | $2.76 | $5.52 |
BAC | 1 | $11.78 | $11.78 |
ONP | 4 | $1.76 | $7.04 |
F | 1 | $13.83 | $13.83 |
Total | $50.62 |
While on vacation in Puerto Rico for a week in a half, we found a total of $.43! We found two dimes, and the rest was pennies in stores, especially on the ground near the cash registers, parking lots, and sidewalks.
During that time, I also received $.03 from holding 2 shares Orient Paper Inc. (ONP)! You say "but wait a sec, you own 4 shares of ONP!". This is true, but I purchased the additional 2 shares after a cut off time called the ex-dividend date. A good definition, I think from the Internal Revenue Service, is "the first date following the declaration of a dividend on which the buyer of a stock is not entitled to receive the next dividend payment."
Also, some exciting news for me, is that Ford (F) just announced its dividend to increase from $.05 per share per quarter to $.10.
Today I found $.01 in a restaurant and $.10 at the grocery store.
Dividends!: $.01
Cash: $.18
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.11 | $6.33 |
UMC | 3 | $2.00 | $6.00 |
CIM | 2 | $2.59 | $5.18 |
BAC | 1 | $11.36 | $11.36 |
ONP | 4 | $1.75 | $7.00 |
F | 1 | $12.87 | $12.87 |
Total | $48.74 |
Today I received $.01 from holding 1 share of Bank of America (BAC)! Owning 1 share out of 10,780,000,000 total BAC shares means that I own a whopping 0.0000000093% of the company.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.17
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.20 | $6.60 |
UMC | 3 | $2.02 | $6.06 |
CIM | 2 | $2.64 | $5.28 |
BAC | 1 | $11.47 | $11.47 |
ONP | 4 | $1.80 | $7.20 |
F | 1 | $12.76 | $12.76 |
Total | $49.37 |
We found $.01 in the cafeteria at work, and the other $.01 in the halls at work!
Cash: $.15
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.27 | $6.81 |
UMC | 3 | $2.00 | $6.00 |
CIM | 2 | $2.69 | $5.38 |
BAC | 1 | $11.54 | $11.54 |
ONP | 4 | $1.75 | $7.00 |
F | 1 | $12.79 | $12.79 |
Total | $49.52 |
I bought 2 shares of Orient Paper Inc. (ONP) for $1.78 each.
Found: $.02
Cash: $3.71
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.37 | $7.11 |
UMC | 3 | $1.97 | $5.91 |
CIM | 2 | $2.70 | $5.40 |
BAC | 1 | $11.25 | $11.25 |
ONP | 2 | $1.78 | $3.56 |
F | 1 | $12.40 | $12.40 |
Total | $45.63 |
I found $.01 in a convenience store parking lot and the other $.01 at the supermarket.
Found: $.10
Cash: $3.69
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.37 | $7.11 |
UMC | 3 | $1.99 | $5.97 |
CIM | 2 | $2.64 | $5.28 |
BAC | 1 | $11.29 | $11.29 |
ONP | 2 | $1.80 | $3.60 |
F | 1 | $11.86 | $11.86 |
Total | $45.11 |
I found $.10 at the highschool track.
Found: $.01
Cash: $3.59
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.37 | $7.11 |
UMC | 3 | $1.99 | $5.97 |
CIM | 2 | $2.64 | $5.28 |
BAC | 1 | $11.29 | $11.29 |
ONP | 2 | $1.80 | $3.60 |
F | 1 | $11.86 | $11.86 |
Total | $45.11 |
I found $.01 in a convenience store parking lot.
If you're in the area, check out Du Pont Nemours Mansion and Gardens
Found: $.34
Cash: $3.58
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.37 | $7.11 |
UMC | 3 | $1.99 | $5.97 |
CIM | 2 | $2.64 | $5.28 |
BAC | 1 | $11.29 | $11.29 |
ONP | 2 | $1.80 | $3.60 |
F | 1 | $11.86 | $11.86 |
Total | $45.11 |
I found $.28 in the parking structure at work and $.06 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.03
Cash: $3.24
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.38 | $7.14 |
UMC | 3 | $2.01 | $6.03 |
CIM | 2 | $2.65 | $5.30 |
BAC | 1 | $11.52 | $11.52 |
ONP | 2 | $1.75 | $3.50 |
F | 1 | $11.77 | $11.77 |
Total | $45.26 |
I found $.02 in the cafeteria at work and $.01 in the parking lot at work.
Found: $.37
Cash: $3.21
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.41 | $7.23 |
UMC | 3 | $2.00 | $6.00 |
CIM | 2 | $2.62 | $5.24 |
BAC | 1 | $11.00 | $11.00 |
ONP | 2 | $1.85 | $3.70 |
F | 1 | $11.39 | $11.39 |
Total | $44.56 |
I found $.10 in the checkout line in the cafeteria at work. Later on, I found $.27 in a convenience store parking lot.
Found: $.06
Cash: $2.84
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.40 | $7.20 |
UMC | 3 | $2.01 | $6.03 |
CIM | 2 | $2.71 | $5.42 |
BAC | 1 | $10.58 | $10.58 |
ONP | 2 | $1.89 | $3.78 |
F | 1 | $11.10 | $11.10 |
Total | $44.11 |
I found $.01 in a crafts store near the register and $.05 in a fast food establishment near the register. See a pattern?
Found: $.26
Cash: $2.78
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.11 | $6.33 |
UMC | 3 | $1.99 | $5.97 |
CIM | 2 | $2.76 | $5.52 |
BAC | 1 | $10.61 | $10.61 |
ONP | 2 | $1.86 | $3.72 |
F | 1 | $11.47 | $11.47 |
Total | $43.62 |
I found $.26 in the cafeteria at work. I love finding the quarters the most I think!
Found: $1.02
Cash: $2.52
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.97 | $5.91 |
UMC | 3 | $1.98 | $5.94 |
CIM | 2 | $2.76 | $5.52 |
BAC | 1 | $10.57 | $10.57 |
ONP | 2 | $1.81 | $3.62 |
F | 1 | $11.47 | $11.47 |
Total | $43.03 |
Today we found $1.00 in a mall parking lot, and found $.01 in the parking structure at work and the other $.01 near the cash register in the cafeteria at work.
I'd like to sing a song in the spirit of the season:
"YouTube financial nuts roasting, on an open fire
Reality nipping, at your nose"
OK, so I just made that song up. My inspiration was the silly things I have heard in my short time listening to financial videos on YouTube. I have heard things such as:
- end the Fed(eral Reserve)
- crash JP Morgan
- hang the bankers
- bankers control everything
- fiat money systems are worthless
- hyperinflation is coming soon
- bonds will crash
- cash in your 401k and buy silver
- max your credit cards out to buy metals
- the U.S. money system will suffer the same fate as Zimbabwe, Weimar Republic, etc.
- the Fed buys gold paint
- the Fed will somehow expire after its 100 year anniversary in 2013
- debt is slavery
- debt is bad
- gold/silver standard is the best system
- gold/silver has been in use for thousands of years proves it is good
- gold/silver being mentioned in the Bible proves it is good
- no country anywhere being on a gold/silver standard proves there is a conspiracy
- unemployment, inflation, etc., numbers from the government are fabricated
- another website proves unemployment, inflation, etc., is much worse than the government says
- taxes are bad
- you don't have to pay income tax
- high schools and colleges don't teach about what money is, the Federal Reserve, or the monetary system
- the Fed is missing trillions of dollars
- the Federal Reserve has never been audited
- the Federal Reserve has fake gold
- Fort Knox is empty or has fake gold
- one can live completely "off the grid"
- become your own central bank
- there is a system to beat blackjack or other casino games
- short term trading is a superior way to invest
- technical or chart analysis is superior to fundamental analysis
- this or that person, who happens to be selling their own products, are gurus
- etc.
All of these things are easily debunked by anyone with any factual knowledge of logic, statistics, history, economics, and/or old and modern financial systems. Whenever I ask for evidence for their claims I get attacked and treated as the troll in the video comment section! This is expected, and is par for the course with evidence-less emotional arguments.
Outside of YouTube, most people would probably say something like: the government, Federal Reserve, and banks are not perfect, but they are important and do much more good than bad. For investing, regularly contribute to your diversified 401k and get your agency to match contributions, buy a variety of stocks and bonds, hold some cash, and if you do buy metals, keep metals a small percent in your total portfolio, minimize transaction costs, save regularly, look for deals, minimize speculation, and watch what you spend.
Now, I'm no financial expert. I'm just an average guy with an opinion. If I were a financial expert, I would be committing malpractice to not recommend those things.
One thing I have especially noticed is that wackos typically have something to sell you such as a book or other products, and tend to discuss return, especially historical return, but rarely discuss risk or taxes. For example, they may state an EE savings bond is bad because the rate is currently .20%, but fail to mention that it is backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. and is guaranteed to double in 20 years, this giving an implied interest rate of 3.5% (which arises from solving (1+x)20 = 2 for x) if you hold it that long, and has deferred federal taxes and is exempt from state and local taxes. Oh, but their cherry picked commodity has increased a bazillion percent during their cherry picked years, so it is therefore always better than anything. Right.
The moral of the story is to be careful with the advice you get on the internet. Always stay skeptical, question and analyze, and when in doubt, ask several people who are qualified in, you know, real life.
Found: $.03
Cash: $1.50
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.95 | $5.85 |
UMC | 3 | $2.02 | $6.06 |
CIM | 2 | $2.75 | $5.50 |
BAC | 1 | $10.64 | $10.64 |
ONP | 2 | $1.82 | $3.64 |
F | 1 | $11.48 | $11.48 |
Total | $43.17 |
I found $.02 walking around the neighborhood and $.01 at the grocery store.
Found: $.14
Cash: $1.47
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.95 | $5.85 |
UMC | 3 | $2.02 | $6.06 |
CIM | 2 | $2.75 | $5.50 |
BAC | 1 | $10.64 | $10.64 |
ONP | 2 | $1.82 | $3.64 |
F | 1 | $11.48 | $11.48 |
Total | $43.17 |
I found $.11 in the parking structure at work, and $.03 in the cafeteria at work. Thank you, fellow employees, for having holes in your pockets.
Dividends!: $.05
Cash: $1.33
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.92 | $5.76 |
UMC | 3 | $1.91 | $5.73 |
CIM | 2 | $2.70 | $5.40 |
BAC | 1 | $9.91 | $9.91 |
ONP | 2 | $1.88 | $3.76 |
F | 1 | $11.31 | $11.31 |
Total | $41.87 |
I got $.05 in dividends from Ford (F)!
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.28
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.95 | $5.85 |
UMC | 3 | $1.89 | $5.67 |
CIM | 2 | $2.71 | $5.42 |
BAC | 1 | $9.80 | $9.80 |
ONP | 2 | $1.93 | $3.86 |
F | 1 | $11.41 | $11.41 |
Total | $42.01 |
I found $.02 at the hospital. Everything is fine. :-)
Found: $.14
Cash: $1.26
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.03 | $6.09 |
UMC | 3 | $1.91 | $5.73 |
CIM | 2 | $2.74 | $5.48 |
BAC | 1 | $9.86 | $9.86 |
ONP | 2 | $1.93 | $3.86 |
F | 1 | $11.45 | $11.45 |
Total | $42.47 |
I found $.10 on a sidewalk, $.02 at a gas station, and the other $.02 while shopping for a Christmas tree.
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.12
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.03 | $6.09 |
UMC | 3 | $1.91 | $5.73 |
CIM | 2 | $2.74 | $5.48 |
BAC | 1 | $9.86 | $9.86 |
ONP | 2 | $1.93 | $3.86 |
F | 1 | $11.45 | $11.45 |
Total | $42.47 |
I found $.02 at a restaurant.
Found: $.22
Cash: $1.10
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.10 | $6.30 |
UMC | 3 | $1.95 | $5.85 |
CIM | 2 | $2.60 | $5.20 |
BAC | 1 | $9.66 | $9.66 |
ONP | 2 | $1.97 | $3.94 |
F | 1 | $11.10 | $11.10 |
Total | $42.05 |
I found the $.22 walking around the halls at work!
Found: $.55
Cash: $.88
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.91 | $5.73 |
UMC | 3 | $1.88 | $5.64 |
CIM | 2 | $2.63 | $5.26 |
BAC | 1 | $9.90 | $9.90 |
ONP | 2 | $1.96 | $3.92 |
F | 1 | $11.10 | $11.10 |
Total | $41.55 |
I found $.53 at the highschool track! I found the $.03, then towards the end of my walk I stopped to stretch. I'm glad I did that because there were two quarters just sitting there.
Later on in the day I found $.02 at a retail store.
Found: $.12
Cash: $.33
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.91 | $5.73 |
UMC | 3 | $1.88 | $5.64 |
CIM | 2 | $2.63 | $5.26 |
BAC | 1 | $9.90 | $9.90 |
ONP | 2 | $1.96 | $3.92 |
F | 1 | $11.10 | $11.10 |
Total | $41.55 |
I found $.01 at a convenience store and $.11 at a convention center.
Today I tested out a metal detector for the first time (not counting my backyard). It was pretty fun, even though I didn't find anything. I found more above the ground today. Check out White's Metal Detectors.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.21
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.91 | $5.73 |
UMC | 3 | $1.88 | $5.64 |
CIM | 2 | $2.63 | $5.26 |
BAC | 1 | $9.90 | $9.90 |
ONP | 2 | $1.96 | $3.92 |
F | 1 | $11.10 | $11.10 |
Total | $41.55 |
I found $.02 in the cafeteria at work today!
Found: $.01
Cash: $.19
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.91 | $5.73 |
UMC | 3 | $1.75 | $5.25 |
CIM | 2 | $2.58 | $5.16 |
BAC | 1 | $9.77 | $9.77 |
ONP | 2 | $1.95 | $3.90 |
F | 1 | $10.92 | $10.92 |
Total | $40.73 |
We found $.01 at work today.
Found: $.10
Cash: $.18
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $1.93 | $5.79 |
UMC | 3 | $1.81 | $5.43 |
CIM | 2 | $2.58 | $5.16 |
BAC | 1 | $9.63 | $9.63 |
ONP | 2 | $1.96 | $3.92 |
F | 1 | $10.85 | $10.85 |
Total | $40.78 |
I found $.10 today on a sidewalk.
Found: $.10
Cash: $.08
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 3 | $2.00 | $6.00 |
UMC | 3 | $1.81 | $5.43 |
CIM | 2 | $2.61 | $5.22 |
BAC | 1 | $9.49 | $9.49 |
ONP | 2 | $1.96 | $3.92 |
F | 1 | $10.83 | $10.83 |
Total | $40.89 |
I found $.10 today while crossing the street! Yes mom, I did stop and look both ways first.
I bought 1 share of RadioShack (RSH) for $1.98.
Found: $.64
Cash: $1.96
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.00 | $4.00 |
UMC | 3 | $1.80 | $5.40 |
CIM | 2 | $2.66 | $5.32 |
BAC | 1 | $9.12 | $9.12 |
ONP | 2 | $1.93 | $3.86 |
F | 1 | $10.50 | $10.50 |
Total | $38.20 |
I found $.01 in a restaurant, $.53 in a parking lot, and $.10 in a grocery store. I love the days I find money and my wife is there so she can verify that I'm not making up all of this good fortune!
Found: $.25
Cash: $1.32
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.00 | $4.00 |
UMC | 3 | $1.80 | $5.40 |
CIM | 2 | $2.66 | $5.32 |
BAC | 1 | $9.12 | $9.12 |
ONP | 2 | $1.93 | $3.86 |
F | 1 | $10.50 | $10.50 |
Total | $38.20 |
I found $.25 in the parking lot at a convenience store.
Found: $.13
Cash: $1.07
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.02 | $4.04 |
UMC | 3 | $1.81 | $5.43 |
CIM | 2 | $2.56 | $5.12 |
BAC | 1 | $8.99 | $8.99 |
ONP | 2 | $1.96 | $3.92 |
F | 1 | $10.67 | $10.67 |
Total | $38.17 |
We found $.13 while staying a couple of days in Baltimore, MD!
By the way, check out the friendly folk at Baltimore Gold and Silver.
Found: $.64
Cash: $.94
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.11 | $4.22 |
UMC | 3 | $1.87 | $5.61 |
CIM | 2 | $2.55 | $5.10 |
BAC | 1 | $9.43 | $9.43 |
ONP | 2 | $2.01 | $4.02 |
F | 1 | $10.93 | $10.93 |
Total | $39.31 |
We found $.64 during a couple of days in San Antonio, Texas, and airports!
Found: $.12
Cash: $.30
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.24 | $4.48 |
UMC | 3 | $1.82 | $5.46 |
CIM | 2 | $2.57 | $5.14 |
BAC | 1 | $9.94 | $9.94 |
ONP | 2 | $1.99 | $3.98 |
F | 1 | $11.42 | $11.42 |
Total | $40.42 |
I found $.12 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.25
Cash: $.18
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.32 | $4.64 |
UMC | 3 | $1.78 | $5.34 |
CIM | 2 | $2.60 | $5.20 |
BAC | 1 | $9.75 | $9.75 |
ONP | 2 | $2.03 | $4.06 |
F | 1 | $11.25 | $11.25 |
Total | $40.24 |
I found $.25 at a home goods store. With that, I had $2.02 and bought 1 share of United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) for $1.84.
Found: $.71
Cash: $1.77
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.29 | $4.58 |
UMC | 2 | $1.84 | $3.68 |
CIM | 2 | $2.62 | $5.24 |
BAC | 1 | $9.85 | $9.85 |
ONP | 2 | $1.94 | $3.88 |
F | 1 | $11.17 | $11.17 |
Total | $38.40 |
I found $.11 in the highschool parking lot and $.60 under the bleachers and at the track. I really, really like Saturdays!
I recently read this in an otherwise good article: "Here's the funny thing about finding coins. If you are doing this to try and make extra money, it's not likely to work."
I disagree. One simply has to invest and not just save.
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.06
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.25 | $4.50 |
UMC | 2 | $1.86 | $3.72 |
CIM | 2 | $2.65 | $5.30 |
BAC | 1 | $9.74 | $9.74 |
ONP | 2 | $1.99 | $3.98 |
F | 1 | $11.25 | $11.25 |
Total | $38.49 |
I found $.02 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $1.00
Cash: $1.04
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.24 | $4.48 |
UMC | 2 | $1.88 | $3.76 |
CIM | 2 | $2.67 | $5.34 |
BAC | 1 | $9.32 | $9.32 |
ONP | 2 | $2.00 | $4.00 |
F | 1 | $11.16 | $11.16 |
Total | $38.06 |
Today I bought 1 share of Orient Paper Inc. (ONP) for $1.97.
Later on in the day, we found a $1 bill walking to the library!
Found: $.13
Dividends!: $.18
Cash: $2.01
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.31 | $4.62 |
UMC | 2 | $1.92 | $3.84 |
CIM | 2 | $2.57 | $5.14 |
BAC | 1 | $9.12 | $9.12 |
ONP | 1 | $1.99 | $1.99 |
F | 1 | $10.36 | $10.36 |
Total | $35.07 |
I found $.13 on the ground outside a convenience store. I think people must drop change at the Redboxes, telephone, newspaper, candy, and other vending machines outside the convenience stores.
Also, today I received $.18 in dividends from the 2 shares of Chimera Investment Corporation (CIM) I own!
In looking at my past finds of money, I only find greater than or equal to $.18 about 12.7% of the time, so getting this $.18 is huge for me.
By the way, totally unrelated to found money and dividends, check out Apmex and U.S. Mint for your precious metals and coin needs! Both sites are highly recommended.
Found: $.38
Cash: $1.70
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.31 | $4.62 |
UMC | 2 | $1.92 | $3.84 |
CIM | 2 | $2.57 | $5.14 |
BAC | 1 | $9.12 | $9.12 |
ONP | 1 | $1.99 | $1.99 |
F | 1 | $10.36 | $10.36 |
Total | $35.07 |
Today I found $.35 at the highschool track, $.01 at a convenience store, and $.02 at a crafts store!
Found: $.14
Cash: $1.32
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.31 | $4.62 |
UMC | 2 | $1.92 | $3.84 |
CIM | 2 | $2.57 | $5.14 |
BAC | 1 | $9.12 | $9.12 |
ONP | 1 | $1.99 | $1.99 |
F | 1 | $10.36 | $10.36 |
Total | $35.07 |
Today I found $.14 at the grocery store.
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.18
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.44 | $4.88 |
UMC | 2 | $1.94 | $3.88 |
CIM | 2 | $2.63 | $5.26 |
BAC | 1 | $9.24 | $9.24 |
ONP | 1 | $1.96 | $1.96 |
F | 1 | $10.39 | $10.39 |
Total | $35.61 |
Today I found $.02 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.03
Cash: $1.16
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.44 | $4.88 |
UMC | 2 | $1.93 | $3.86 |
CIM | 2 | $2.67 | $5.34 |
BAC | 1 | $9.44 | $9.44 |
ONP | 1 | $2.00 | $2.00 |
F | 1 | $10.18 | $10.18 |
Total | $35.70 |
Today I found $.02 at the highschool track, and $.01 in some dirt in the front yard while raking leaves!
Found: $.47
Cash: $1.13
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.44 | $4.88 |
UMC | 2 | $1.93 | $3.86 |
CIM | 2 | $2.67 | $5.34 |
BAC | 1 | $9.44 | $9.44 |
ONP | 1 | $2.00 | $2.00 |
F | 1 | $10.18 | $10.18 |
Total | $35.70 |
Today I found $.46 at the highschool track and under the bleachers. They had a game the previous night! I found the $.01 at a restaurant.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.66
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.37 | $4.74 |
UMC | 2 | $2.00 | $4.00 |
CIM | 2 | $2.57 | $5.14 |
BAC | 1 | $9.46 | $9.46 |
ONP | 1 | $1.97 | $1.97 |
F | 1 | $10.30 | $10.30 |
Total | $35.61 |
I found $.01 in a parking lot.
Found: $.49
Cash: $.65
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.26 | $4.52 |
UMC | 2 | $2.02 | $4.04 |
CIM | 2 | $2.58 | $5.16 |
BAC | 1 | $9.12 | $9.12 |
ONP | 1 | $2.00 | $2.00 |
F | 1 | $10.12 | $10.12 |
Total | $34.96 |
I found $.49 at the highschool track.
I knew there was a big football game last night, so today after jogging at the track, I walked under the bleachers looking for change.
I was also reflecting on the investing mantra "Buy low, sell high", and thought of this. Say the item you want to buy is selling for $10, and consider the following scale of payments you can make for the item:
Payment | Explanation |
$15 | You overpay |
$10 | You pay even price |
$5 | You pay half as much |
$0 | Free! You pay nothing |
-$5 | You get the item for free AND the person pays you $5 to take it! |
Picking up change is like the -$5 option. You are getting free money and, eventually, a piece of a company and future profits.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.16
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.26 | $4.52 |
UMC | 2 | $2.02 | $4.04 |
CIM | 2 | $2.58 | $5.16 |
BAC | 1 | $9.12 | $9.12 |
ONP | 1 | $2.00 | $2.00 |
F | 1 | $10.12 | $10.12 |
Total | $34.96 |
I found $.01 at a convenience store.
Found: $.14
Cash: $.15
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.30 | $4.60 |
UMC | 2 | $2.03 | $4.06 |
CIM | 2 | $2.66 | $5.32 |
BAC | 1 | $9.34 | $9.34 |
ONP | 1 | $2.03 | $2.03 |
F | 1 | $10.14 | $10.14 |
Total | $35.49 |
I found $.01 in the Metro, $.01 walking around DC, and $.12 at the pharmacy!
Found: $.01
Cash: $.01
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.21 | $4.42 |
UMC | 2 | $2.04 | $4.08 |
CIM | 2 | $2.62 | $5.24 |
BAC | 1 | $9.21 | $9.21 |
ONP | 1 | $2.02 | $2.02 |
F | 1 | $9.98 | $9.98 |
Total | $34.95 |
I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.01
Cash: $0
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 2 | $2.33 | $4.66 |
UMC | 2 | $2.07 | $4.14 |
CIM | 2 | $2.68 | $5.36 |
BAC | 1 | $9.21 | $9.21 |
ONP | 1 | $2.00 | $2.00 |
F | 1 | $10.10 | $10.10 |
Total | $35.47 |
I found $.01 walking around the neighborhood. That $.01 put my total cash to $2.32, so I bought 1 RSH share for $2.32!
Found: $.02
Cash: $2.31
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.05 | $2.05 |
UMC | 2 | $2.07 | $4.14 |
CIM | 2 | $2.72 | $5.44 |
BAC | 1 | $9.32 | $9.32 |
ONP | 1 | $2.05 | $2.05 |
F | 1 | $10.16 | $10.16 |
Total | $33.16 |
I found $.01 at a restaurant and the other $.01 in a parking lot.
Found: $.72
Cash: $2.29
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.05 | $2.05 |
UMC | 2 | $2.07 | $4.14 |
CIM | 2 | $2.72 | $5.44 |
BAC | 1 | $9.32 | $9.32 |
ONP | 1 | $2.05 | $2.05 |
F | 1 | $10.16 | $10.16 |
Total | $33.16 |
I found $.67 at the highschool track! I love the days after they have a big football game! I found $.03 at a supermarket. After that, I found $.02 on the metro!
Found: $.06
Cash: $1.57
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.05 | $2.05 |
UMC | 2 | $2.07 | $4.14 |
CIM | 2 | $2.72 | $5.44 |
BAC | 1 | $9.32 | $9.32 |
ONP | 1 | $2.05 | $2.05 |
F | 1 | $10.16 | $10.16 |
Total | $33.16 |
I found $.01 walking around our neighborhood, and the other $.05 in parking lots and a supermarket.
I often hear people saying "It isn't worth my time to pick up change!" But is that really true?
Say you make a wage, or salary equivalent, of $20/hour. Then you make $.3333/minute, or $.0056/second.
Therefore, if it takes you 1 second to bend down and pick up a coin, the smallest coin you can pick up (a penny) is indeed worth more than the time it takes you to do so.
In fact, assuming standard 9 hour workdays and 5 day work weeks, you'd have to make at least $72/hour or ~$168,400/year for the 1 second of time to be worth $.02 (ie. the minimum amount more than $.01).
So... pick up those coins! Although that might leave less for me...
Found: $.14
Cash: $1.51
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.08 | $2.08 |
UMC | 2 | $2.04 | $4.08 |
CIM | 2 | $2.74 | $5.48 |
BAC | 1 | $9.41 | $9.41 |
ONP | 1 | $2.06 | $2.06 |
F | 1 | $10.11 | $10.11 |
Total | $33.22 |
We found $.14 total in several supermarkets and parking lots!
Found: $.03
Dividends!: $.01
Cash: $1.37
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.02 | $2.02 |
UMC | 2 | $2.10 | $4.20 |
CIM | 2 | $2.74 | $5.48 |
BAC | 1 | $8.93 | $8.93 |
ONP | 1 | $2.04 | $2.04 |
F | 1 | $9.79 | $9.79 |
Total | $32.46 |
Orient Paper Inc. paid me $.01 in dividends!
I also found $.01 in the parking structure at work, and the other $.02 in the halls at work.
Found: $.01
Dividends!: $.01
Cash: $1.33
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.38 | $2.38 |
UMC | 2 | $2.05 | $4.10 |
CIM | 2 | $2.71 | $5.42 |
BAC | 1 | $8.83 | $8.83 |
ONP | 1 | $2.01 | $2.01 |
F | 1 | $9.86 | $9.86 |
Total | $32.60 |
Bank of America paid me $.01 in dividends! Slow and steady... I also found $.01 at the local high-school track.
In addition to stock market stuff, be sure to check out for information about treasury bills, notes, and bonds, and savings bonds (which are different from treasury bonds).
How treasury bills work is particularly interesting to me, even though rates are really, really low right now. As an example of a 28-day treasury bill, you would loan the government say $99.80, and then 28-days later they'd give you $100. Therefore, you'd earn $.20.
Found: $.31
Cash: $1.31
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.38 | $2.38 |
UMC | 2 | $2.05 | $4.10 |
CIM | 2 | $2.71 | $5.42 |
BAC | 1 | $8.83 | $8.83 |
ONP | 1 | $2.01 | $2.01 |
F | 1 | $9.86 | $9.86 |
Total | $32.60 |
I found $.25 at a gas station, and the other $.06 in the cafeteria at work!
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.00
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.60 | $2.60 |
UMC | 2 | $2.06 | $4.12 |
CIM | 2 | $2.81 | $5.62 |
BAC | 1 | $8.81 | $8.81 |
ONP | 1 | $1.99 | $1.99 |
F | 1 | $10.01 | $10.01 |
Total | $33.15 |
I found $.01 at the local pharmacy. Just what the doctor ordered!
Found: $.12
Cash: $.98
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.56 | $2.56 |
UMC | 2 | $2.05 | $4.10 |
CIM | 2 | $2.81 | $5.62 |
BAC | 1 | $8.93 | $8.93 |
ONP | 1 | $2.00 | $2.00 |
F | 1 | $10.09 | $10.09 |
Total | $33.30 |
I found $.12 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.28
Cash: $.86
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.94 | $2.94 |
UMC | 2 | $2.10 | $4.20 |
CIM | 2 | $2.73 | $5.46 |
BAC | 1 | $9.11 | $9.11 |
ONP | 1 | $1.98 | $1.98 |
F | 1 | $10.40 | $10.40 |
Total | $34.09 |
I found $.28 in a supermarket!
Found: $.21
Cash: $.58
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.80 | $2.80 |
UMC | 2 | $2.11 | $4.22 |
CIM | 2 | $2.67 | $5.34 |
BAC | 1 | $9.29 | $9.29 |
ONP | 1 | $2.03 | $2.03 |
F | 1 | $10.59 | $10.59 |
Total | $34.27 |
I found $.11 on top of a parking meter, and $.10 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.37
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.80 | $2.80 |
UMC | 2 | $2.12 | $4.24 |
CIM | 2 | $2.72 | $5.44 |
BAC | 1 | $9.30 | $9.30 |
ONP | 1 | $2.07 | $2.07 |
F | 1 | $10.39 | $10.39 |
Total | $34.24 |
I found $.02 in a parking lot.
Found: $.26
Cash: $.35
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.73 | $2.73 |
UMC | 2 | $2.10 | $4.20 |
CIM | 2 | $2.78 | $5.56 |
BAC | 1 | $9.40 | $9.40 |
ONP | 1 | $2.09 | $2.09 |
F | 1 | $10.34 | $10.34 |
Total | $34.32 |
I found $.26 at a coffee place.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.09
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.73 | $2.73 |
UMC | 2 | $2.10 | $4.20 |
CIM | 2 | $2.78 | $5.56 |
BAC | 1 | $9.40 | $9.40 |
ONP | 1 | $2.09 | $2.09 |
F | 1 | $10.34 | $10.34 |
Total | $34.32 |
I found $.01 at a plant nursery.
Found: $.03
Cash: $.08
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.73 | $2.73 |
UMC | 2 | $2.10 | $4.20 |
CIM | 2 | $2.78 | $5.56 |
BAC | 1 | $9.40 | $9.40 |
ONP | 1 | $2.09 | $2.09 |
F | 1 | $10.34 | $10.34 |
Total | $34.32 |
I found $.03 walking around at work.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.05
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.68 | $2.68 |
UMC | 2 | $2.08 | $4.16 |
CIM | 2 | $2.69 | $5.38 |
BAC | 1 | $9.03 | $9.03 |
ONP | 1 | $2.13 | $2.13 |
F | 1 | $10.15 | $10.15 |
Total | $33.53 |
I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.04
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.90 | $2.90 |
UMC | 2 | $2.02 | $4.04 |
CIM | 2 | $2.65 | $5.30 |
BAC | 1 | $8.80 | $8.80 |
ONP | 1 | $2.14 | $2.14 |
F | 1 | $10.14 | $10.14 |
Total | $33.32 |
I found $.01 at the highschool track and the other $.01 at a convenience store.
Cash: $.02
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.90 | $2.90 |
UMC | 2 | $2.02 | $4.04 |
CIM | 2 | $2.65 | $2.65 |
BAC | 1 | $8.80 | $8.80 |
ONP | 1 | $2.14 | $2.14 |
F | 1 | $10.14 | $10.14 |
Total | $33.32 |
Today I bought 1 share of CIM for $2.62!
Found: $1.00
Cash: $2.64
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.72 | $2.72 |
UMC | 2 | $1.98 | $3.96 |
CIM | 1 | $2.57 | $2.57 |
BAC | 1 | $7.95 | $7.95 |
ONP | 1 | $2.06 | $2.06 |
F | 1 | $9.57 | $9.57 |
Total | $28.83 |
I found $1.00 crumpled up near the cashier line in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.01
Dividends!: $.05
Cash: $1.64
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.53 | $2.53 |
UMC | 2 | $2.01 | $4.02 |
CIM | 1 | $2.58 | $2.58 |
BAC | 1 | $8.00 | $8.00 |
ONP | 1 | $2.10 | $2.10 |
F | 1 | $9.41 | $9.41 |
Total | $28.64 |
I found $.01 in the parking lot at work.
Ford paid me $.05 in dividends. Hey, I'll take it.
Found: $.01
Cash: $1.58
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.43 | $2.43 |
UMC | 2 | $2.03 | $4.06 |
CIM | 1 | $2.54 | $2.54 |
BAC | 1 | $7.99 | $7.99 |
ONP | 1 | $2.05 | $2.05 |
F | 1 | $9.34 | $9.34 |
Total | $28.41 |
I found $.01 walking around the neighborhood.
Found: $.26
Cash: $1.57
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.43 | $2.43 |
UMC | 2 | $2.03 | $4.06 |
CIM | 1 | $2.54 | $2.54 |
BAC | 1 | $7.99 | $7.99 |
ONP | 1 | $2.05 | $2.05 |
F | 1 | $9.34 | $9.34 |
Total | $28.41 |
I found $.26 at the highschool track. I've discovered that there is usually change there the day after they have a game.
Found: $.20
Cash: $1.31
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.43 | $2.43 |
UMC | 2 | $2.03 | $4.06 |
CIM | 1 | $2.54 | $2.54 |
BAC | 1 | $7.99 | $7.99 |
ONP | 1 | $2.05 | $2.05 |
F | 1 | $9.34 | $9.34 |
Total | $28.41 |
I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work, $.03 in a convenience store, and an amazing $.16 at the grocery store! Grocery store checkout lines are a gold (or silver if you prefer!) mine.
Found: $.04
Cash: $1.11
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.49 | $2.49 |
UMC | 2 | $2.05 | $4.10 |
CIM | 1 | $2.48 | $2.48 |
BAC | 1 | $7.96 | $7.96 |
ONP | 1 | $2.09 | $2.09 |
F | 1 | $9.34 | $9.34 |
Total | $28.46 |
I found $.02 in the cafeteria at work, and the other $.02 at the airport.
Found: $.01
Cash: $1.07
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.56 | $2.56 |
UMC | 2 | $2.05 | $4.10 |
CIM | 1 | $2.45 | $2.45 |
BAC | 1 | $8.16 | $8.16 |
ONP | 1 | $2.11 | $2.11 |
F | 1 | $9.49 | $9.49 |
Total | $28.87 |
I found $.01 at the airport.
Found: $.10
Cash: $1.06
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.65 | $2.65 |
UMC | 2 | $2.07 | $4.14 |
CIM | 1 | $2.42 | $2.42 |
BAC | 1 | $8.15 | $8.15 |
ONP | 1 | $2.12 | $2.12 |
F | 1 | $9.45 | $9.45 |
Total | $28.93 |
I found $.10 walking around at work.
My new book arrived in the mail today: Savings Bond Advisor, by Tom Adams. Why talk about savings bonds on a page about stocks? Only because bonds, of various types, are essential to any well-balanced portfolio. They have a long list of desirable properties. Learn about bonds at the very least and you'll be a better investor. In my investing life outside this experimental blog, I have holdings in Treasury Bills and EE and I savings bonds.
Found: $.15
Cash: $.96
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.66 | $2.66 |
UMC | 2 | $2.07 | $4.14 |
CIM | 1 | $2.40 | $2.40 |
BAC | 1 | $8.19 | $8.19 |
ONP | 1 | $2.13 | $2.13 |
F | 1 | $9.53 | $9.53 |
Total | $29.05 |
We found $.15 total at work; in the parking lot, the halls, and cafeteria. Do people have holes in their pockets?
Found: $.01
Cash: $.81
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $3.15 | $3.15 |
UMC | 2 | $2.12 | $4.24 |
CIM | 1 | $2.45 | $2.45 |
BAC | 1 | $8.00 | $8.00 |
ONP | 1 | $2.12 | $2.12 |
F | 1 | $9.63 | $9.63 |
Total | $29.59 |
We found $.01 in a convenience store parking lot.
Found: $.10
Cash: $.80
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $3.15 | $3.15 |
UMC | 2 | $2.12 | $4.24 |
CIM | 1 | $2.45 | $2.45 |
BAC | 1 | $8.00 | $8.00 |
ONP | 1 | $2.12 | $2.12 |
F | 1 | $9.63 | $9.63 |
Total | $29.59 |
We found $.10 in a convenience store parking lot.
Found: $.10
Cash: $.70
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $3.15 | $3.15 |
UMC | 2 | $2.12 | $4.24 |
CIM | 1 | $2.45 | $2.45 |
BAC | 1 | $8.00 | $8.00 |
ONP | 1 | $2.12 | $2.12 |
F | 1 | $9.63 | $9.63 |
Total | $29.59 |
I found $.10 at a fast food restaurant.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.60
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $3.03 | $3.03 |
UMC | 2 | $2.12 | $4.24 |
CIM | 1 | $2.45 | $2.45 |
BAC | 1 | $7.93 | $7.93 |
ONP | 1 | $2.14 | $2.14 |
F | 1 | $9.59 | $9.59 |
Total | $29.46 |
I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.59
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.95 | $2.95 |
UMC | 2 | $2.13 | $4.26 |
CIM | 1 | $2.44 | $2.44 |
BAC | 1 | $7.87 | $7.87 |
ONP | 1 | $2.11 | $2.11 |
F | 1 | $9.49 | $9.49 |
Total | $29.23 |
We found $.01 outside while walking at work, and the other $.01 at a gas station.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.57
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.96 | $2.96 |
UMC | 2 | $2.14 | $4.28 |
CIM | 1 | $2.42 | $2.42 |
BAC | 1 | $7.78 | $7.78 |
ONP | 1 | $2.22 | $2.22 |
F | 1 | $9.44 | $9.44 |
Total | $29.10 |
I found $.01 at the cafeteria at work.
I wanted to use this space to give a "shout out" to the book Corporate Finance by Ivo Welch. I'm reading it right now for a finance course. I must say, it is a really good book. I'm finding it very useful for learning about valuing a variety of things using several different methods.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.56
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $3.03 | $3.03 |
UMC | 2 | $2.20 | $4.40 |
CIM | 1 | $2.38 | $2.38 |
BAC | 1 | $7.74 | $7.74 |
ONP | 1 | $2.22 | $2.22 |
F | 1 | $9.35 | $9.35 |
Total | $29.12 |
We found $.01 while walking around our neighborhood.
Found: $.01
Dividends!: $.05
Cash: $.55
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $3.03 | $3.03 |
UMC | 2 | $2.20 | $4.40 |
CIM | 1 | $2.38 | $2.38 |
BAC | 1 | $7.74 | $7.74 |
ONP | 1 | $2.22 | $2.22 |
F | 1 | $9.35 | $9.35 |
Total | $29.12 |
I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work. The big news is today is my first dividend.
Well, it isn't a big payday, but it is a payday. UMC paid me my first dividend of $.08! Even though I own two shares, I only had one share when this company went ex-dividend, so I only get one share's worth of dividend payments. There was also $.02 foreign dividend tax (because UMC is based in Taiwan) and a $.01 bank service fee (because UMC is a Taiwan company and it is listed on an American stock exchange, an ADR pass-through fee), so effectively that is a $.05 dividend.
But one has to ask, how often do I find at least $.05?
If I count the number of days from 3/23/12 (when I started) to now 8/10/12, that is 140 days. In Excel you can do
to get this number of days which is 140.
Doing a
IF(total found per day column >= .05,1,0)
Gives a 1 if the today for a day's find is greater than or equal to $.05, otherwise 0. Then I sum this column. I got 33, so 33/140 or 24% of the time.
What about the average money found per day?
I found money on 72 of these days (including today). I can tell by doing a
on the column where I put the date of when I found money.
DATEDIF(start,today(),"D") - COUNTA(A:A)
gives the number of days where I "found" $0. For me, this is 140 - 72 = 68 days.
The average money found over these 72 days is $30.43 / 72 = $.42.
So therefore, the average money found over these 140 days is:
($0*68 + $.42*72) / 140 = $.22 per day.
Of course, this average is really skewed because I found that $20 bill! Instead, using the median, we get $.01 per day.
Therefore, the effective dividend I received of $.05, while small in absolute terms, is truly significant. It represents about 5 days of finding money!
Found: $.06
Cash: $.49
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $3.04 | $3.04 |
UMC | 2 | $2.20 | $4.40 |
CIM | 1 | $2.39 | $2.39 |
BAC | 1 | $7.72 | $7.72 |
ONP | 1 | $2.10 | $2.10 |
F | 1 | $9.34 | $9.34 |
Total | $29.11 |
Today I found $.06 while riding the metro on an office outing.
Found: $.16
Cash: $.43
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.75 | $2.75 |
UMC | 2 | $2.16 | $4.32 |
CIM | 1 | $2.16 | $2.16 |
BAC | 1 | $7.43 | $7.43 |
ONP | 1 | $2.21 | $2.21 |
F | 1 | $9.09 | $9.09 |
Total | $27.97 |
Today I found $.16 while we were in the checkout line in a home goods store.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.27
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.75 | $2.75 |
UMC | 2 | $2.16 | $4.32 |
CIM | 1 | $2.16 | $2.16 |
BAC | 1 | $7.43 | $7.43 |
ONP | 1 | $2.21 | $2.21 |
F | 1 | $9.09 | $9.09 |
Total | $27.97 |
Today I found $.01 in the gym at work and the other $.01 while getting some fast food.
Found: $20.04
Cash: $.25
Company | Shares | Share price | Total |
RSH | 1 | $2.54 | $2.54 |
UMC | 2 | $2.16 | $4.32 |
CIM | 1 | $2.19 | $2.19 |
BAC | 1 | $7.28 | $7.28 |
ONP | 1 | $2.25 | $2.25 |
F | 1 | $9.10 | $9.10 |
Total | $27.65 |
Today was incredible, absolutely incredible. I found $20.04 while out buying food; a $20 bill sitting on the ground in the parking lot, and $.04 inside a fast food restaurant. I really, really, really thank you, whoever you are, for not realizing that you dropped the $20. I really, really, really hope you did not need it for anything!
This may very well be the largest amount of money I ever find. After the find, I had $21.28 in cash, sitting around ready to be used, and decided to use it today to buy four companies. The companies I decided to buy were Chimera Investment Corporation (CIM), Bank of America (BAC), Orient Paper Inc. (ONP), and Ford (F).
Chimera Investment Corporation is a mortgage real estate investment trust, or mREIT. They invest in residential mortgage-backed securities. REITs are required to distribute 90% of their taxable income to investors, so they typically have high dividend yields/payouts, and CIM is no exception. Here are some numbers on CIM
- market price p_m = $2.25
- price over earnings p/e ~ 4.35
- price over book value per share p/bvps = .64
- earnings per share eps = $.52
- book value per share bvps = $3.59
- Graham Number or what I value the price at = $6.48
- yearly dividend = $.36 per share
As one of the bluest of the blue chips, Bank of America needs no introduction. They are a very successful bank, and right now are very cheap to buy. I've banked with them since 2005 and am pretty satisfied, especially since they made their check depositing system hassle-free and included a lot of good features. They have a tiny dividend, but tiny is often better than none. Here are some numbers on BAC
- market price p_m = $7.33
- price over earnings p/e ~ 7.97
- price over book value per share p/bvps = .36
- earnings per share eps = $.92
- book value per share bvps = $21.84
- Graham Number or what I value the price at = $12.84
- yearly dividend = $.04 per share
Orient Paper Inc. produces and distributes all sorts of paper products in China. They have a bunch of interesting videos on their website of their machines and processes. They are big on recycling paper, digital photo paper, and quality control. Here are some numbers on ONP
- market price p_m = $2.21
- price over earnings p/e ~ 1.17
- price over book value per share p/bvps = .32
- earnings per share eps = $1.17
- book value per share bvps = $6.95
- Graham Number or what I value the price at = $13.53
- yearly dividend = $.05 per share
Ford is another company that needs no introduction. If you don't know they make cars and trucks and do financing...then I don't know what to say! I like their focus on innovation. An interesting fact I learned recently, about 110 years ago, on 7/15/1903, they made their first sale! Here are some numbers on F
- market price p_m = $9.14
- price over earnings p/e ~ 1.90
- price over book value per share p/bvps = 2.29
- earnings per share eps = $4.75
- book value per share bvps = $3.94
- Graham Number or what I value the price at = $20.52
- yearly dividend = $.20 per share
And, if you must know, the sandwich I bought at the fast food restaurant was tasty. Free money and tasty sandwiches...the day doesn't get much better than that!
Found: $.11
Cash: $1.24
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$2.59/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.13/share
I found the $.11 walking around the neighborhood.
Found: $.01
Cash: $1.13
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$2.60/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.08/share
I found the $.01 in the pharmacy.
Yes, a bad day for RadioShack, with a large price drop and announcing a cut in their dividend. However, putting cash towards other things in times of stress is a smart move. I'm not worried in the least by "Mr. Market" here. If I had the money in this account to buy another RSH share, I would - they are on sale!
Found: $.02
Cash: $1.12
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.71/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.16/share
I found the $.02 at a Metro station.
Found: $.03
Cash: $1.10
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.67/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.10/share
I found the $.03 while we were walking the halls at work.
Today's catch brings the total, if I didn't make any purchases at all, to $10. So you have to ask yourself, would you rather
- Have $10 in cash
- Have spent the $10 on some other stock, or
- Have $7.87 total in stock and $1.10 in cash, for a $8.97 total (as I did!)
Found: $.01
Cash: $1.07
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.79/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.07/share
I found $.01 while walking around the block.
Found: $.10
Cash: $1.06
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.92/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.08/share
I found $.10 in the cafeteria at work. Guess where? On the ground in the checkout line.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.96
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.90/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.05/share
I found $.01 at a home improvement store. Will this $.01, eventually invested, improve our home? Count on it!
Found: $.10
Cash: $.95
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.90/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.05/share
I found $.10 in a pharmacy. We had just eaten a ton of delicious Indian food and we were walking it off!
Found: $.26
Cash: $.85
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.90/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.05/share
I found $.26 in the cafeteria at work. My fellow employees must have holes in their pockets, which I am thankful for! In their defense, the quarter was kind of hidden between two display cases and I could barely reach it.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.59
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.79/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.02/share
I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.25
Cash: $.58
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.90/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.07/share
I found $.25 at the cafeteria at work!
The recently approved split in The Coca-Cola Company (KO) inspired me to take a look at how that split would affect the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Have you ever wondered exactly what it is and/or how it is calculated? Check out this Dow Jones Industrial Average spreadsheet I made explaining it.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.33
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.98/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 2 shares, ~$2.07/share
I found $.02 at the cafeteria at work.
I bought 1 more share of UMC for $2.07.
Found: $.30
Cash: $2.38
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.06/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 1 share, ~$2.17/share
I found $.27 at the high school track, $.01 in a convenience store parking lot, and $.02 at a pharmacy.
Found: $.30
Cash: $2.08
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.06/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 1 share, ~$2.17/share
I found $.25 in the cafeteria at work, and later in the day found $.05 in a convenience store parking lot.
Found: $1.10
Cash: $1.78
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.01/share
United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC): 1 share, ~$2.24/share
I found $1.00 in a convenience store parking lot, and $.10 at a restaurant!
I was wondering if people don't pick up money because they think or have been told that money is dirty? I remember my parents encouraged me to pick up money and I'd regularly find it when I was little kid crawling under tables in restaurants and later outside H.E.B. grocery stores in San Antonio. I believe there isn't much difference in the cleanliness between money on the ground and money in your pocket.
I decided to take the $4.00 of found cash and buy 1 share of United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC). They are an innovative semiconductor manufacturer, located in Taiwan, with customers all over the world. Semiconductors are the "foundation of modern electronics", according to Wikipedia. I find UMC's webpage interesting, in that it gives a lot of information on what they do, so it made their high-tech business and processes very understandable to laymen such as myself. They obviously have a very strong policy towards continual process improvement, which is important to me.
Based on a few years of data, RSH and UMC have a correlation coefficient of .70, which isn't really low (low tends to be desirable). However, these stocks are in a different sector/industry and a different country which tend to be attributes to help achieve diversification, which is one of the most important concepts in investing.
Here are some numbers on UMC
- market price p_m = $2.22
- price over earnings p/e ~ 23.51
- price over book value per share p/bvps = .81
- earnings per share eps = $.09
- book value per share bvps = $2.76
- Graham Number or what I value the price at = $2.44
- yearly dividend = $.08 per share
Found: $.20
Cash: $2.90
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.86/share
I found $.20 in a convenience store parking lot, two dimes. A paradigm ("pair of dimes") shift?
Found: $2.15
Cash: $2.70
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$3.81/share
We found $2.15 on our several day vacation in Boston and the surrounding areas! We found about $.50 of this in a payphone that was completely broken apart. Too bad most payphones are disappearing because I'd really like to keep finding money in them. At least vending machines are still around! Although...maybe people reaching into their pockets to get their cell phones will cause even more money to be on the ground.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.55
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.07/share
I found $.01 in the cafeteria at work and the other $.01 at the grocery store.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.53
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.04/share
We found $.01 in a parking lot of one of our favorite restaurants.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.52
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.24/share
I found $.01 in a convenience store and the other $.01 at a gas station.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.50
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.20/share
I found the $.01 in a conference room at work.
Found: $.02
Cash: $.49
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.12/share
I found $.01 in a supermarket parking lot, and the other $.01 in a convenience store.
Found: $.04
Cash: $.47
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.14/share
I found $.02 in the cafeteria at work. As you can predict, it was located on the ground near a cash register. I found the other $.02 in a convenience store parking lot. Yes, I go to the convenience store too much!
Found: $.01
Cash: $.43
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.23/share
I found the $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.01
Cash: $.42
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.19/share
This $.01 was found in a parking lot.
Found: $.05
Cash: $.41
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, ~$4.34/share
I found this $.05 in a parking structure in Crystal City.
Found: $1.01
Total: $4.97
Holy $#^%###!!!
I found $1.00 in the hallway at work and the other $.01 in the parking garage at work. Recently I feel I've been finding money frequently, which is very nice! I decided to take advantage of this good fortune.
I decided to buy...drumroll please...well, let's look at some numbers first, without mentioning the company's name.
- market price p_m = $4.59
- price over earnings p/e ~ 17
- price over book value per share p/bvps = .61
- earnings per share eps = $.27
- book value per share bvps = $7.58
- Graham Number or what I value the price at = $7.07
- quarterly dividend = $.125 per share
Ok, the company is RadioShack (RSH). The "ask price" was $4.61, or $.02 more than the market price. This is just one way brokerages make money.
From what I've read, RadioShack has been predicted to die off for years, due to Apple, Amazon, etc. However, there is something about it that keeps it around- perhaps the physical presence or focusing more on mobile-stuff. The products I have bought from RadioShack (adapters, several different chess boards, a Discman, breadboards and components) have all been quality. More importantly however, RadioShack has numbers that meet at least some of the criteria I consider good to look at.
So I'm starting the "Zip to Blue Chip" portfolio with RadioShack. I've shown it is possible to save up enough found money to buy a decent stock, and in rather short time at that!
RadioShack (RSH): 1 share, $4.59/share
Cash: $.36
Stay tuned! In the meanwhile, here is a summary of investing in general and some good criteria for finding solid companies:Summary of investing in stocks:
- there are always two main prices for a stock: the market price (P_Market) and what you value the stock at (P_You). The market price can be much too high, for example, due to excitement, or too low, say from some public relations nightmare. P_Market is from the interaction of supply and demand for literally billions of people, companies, the news, world events, etc., and is beyond your control. Imagine a "Mr. Market" (courtesy of Benjamin Graham) asking you "Do you want to buy Company X for P_Market per share?" You should at least consider buying if P_You > P_Market. Coming up with a sensible way to basically calculate P_You is what the filters (see below) accomplish.
- treat it as serious as if you are the owner of the company because you're literally becoming a partial owner of a company, not just following a numerical blip on the screen
- think long-term
- there is nothing wrong with say being excited about a company because it is a product you or a friend like or use, or that you hear about from someone else, but just use that emotion as a starting point. You *need* to make sure the company has the data (in the form of earnings, for example) to back that up
- investing is better than say "gambling" because you're investing in solid companies, most have been around ~50+ years, ran by people with an interest in making profit from their company. That's not to say one can't lose money like gambling. It is more like you have a savings account, but the savings rate is random and can, at times, even be negative, but in the long run it tends to be positive and large compared to alternatives.
- try to only check financial news/entertainment very rarely, say 1-2 times per month. Also I would not buy any financial advice in the form of newsletters from say or from any other pay services. I recommend reading say or news articles linked to from Google Finance.
- probably do not buy IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) early on. They are notoriously hyped and overpriced (think the recent FaceBook stuff). That's not to say the companies are bad or not worth investing in, just that their stock price early on is probably much too high. Wait until things are settled down say a few months or a year down the road and check the statistics again.
- if money is tight then setting aside say $5 or $10 per month is better than setting aside nothing
- typically once you have enough in the brokerage account then the transaction cost (how much is costs to buy or sell) gets reduced or eliminated. Typically the cost to buy or sell stock is ~$10 for self directed brokerage accounts.
- reinvesting dividends in more stock (which give more dividends, and etc.) is typically a good idea as it creates exponential growth
- P/E < 15 (price to earnings)
- P/BVPS < 1.5 (price to book value per share. BVPS is an accounting measure of what the stock price is, so this says we don't want the market price to be too far away from the accounting price, but it being a little ways away is OK)
- P/S < 1 (price to sales)
- dividend yield > 3% (dividend yield is dividends/year / price)
- current ratio > 2 (current ratio is current assets/current liabilities. If the company had a crisis NOW, would it have assets to cover itself?)
- price > 3 (price of stock. If the price goes too low, the stock is "junk" or "penny" and will probably be removed ("delisted") from the stock exchange)
- look at the history of dividend payments. Hopefully it is unbroken (ie. they've never stopped paying dividends) and increasing over time. However, if either of these occur that isn't so terrible
Found: $.10
Total: $3.96
I found this $.10 in the parking structure at work.
Found: $.11
Total: $3.86
I found $.10 in the parking structure at work, and $.01 in the cafeteria at work. A raise! I think soon I'll have enough to actually purchase a decent stock.
Found: $.03
Total: $3.75
I found this $.03 in a convenience store.
Found: $.05
Total: $3.72
I found this $.05 in a convenience store parking lot.
Found: $.62
Total: $3.67
We were on vacation in Oregon for about a week, exploring several different cities. This is the total money I found while there. Some of the places were airports, convenience stores, restaurants, rest stops, parking lots, universities, walking around the neighborhood, and a bookstore. I found 17 pennies, 2 dimes, and 1 quarter.
Found: $.25
Total: $3.05
I found a quarter in the dirt just outside our front door! Buried treasure?
Found: $.29
Total: $2.80
I found $.27 while running the Capitol Hill Classic 10k in DC! I found the remaining $.02 at the grocery store.
Found: $.03
Total: $2.51
I found the $.03 walking around DC.
Found: $.02
Total: $2.48
I found the $.02 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.02
Total: $2.46
I found the $.02 in the halls at work. I think someone sat down on a nearby chair and it fell out their pocket. Perhaps looking around chairs is a good strategy?
Found: $.01
Total: $2.44
I found the $.01 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.01
Total: $2.43
I found the $.01 at the grocery store. I would have picked up another $.01, but an old lady beat me to it!
Found: $.01
Total: $2.42
I found the $.01 at the movie theater. We saw Avengers; pretty entertaining.
Found: $.01
Total: $2.41
I found the $.01 in a convenience store.
Found: $.35
Total: $2.40
We found the $.35 walking around our neighborhood!
Found: $.01
Total: $2.05
I found a penny in a convenience store!
Found: $.02
Total: $2.04
I found a penny in a parking lot, and the other penny in a dollar store. Woo hoo! Finding money and saving money.
Found: $.12
Total: $2.02
I found the $.12 in the cafeteria at work!
I was thinking about this today:
I can almost buy a stock that is selling for slightly above $2. Why slightly above $2? Because while the market price may be $2, it would sell for say $2.10, for example, so the brokerage can make some profit. On top of that, there is typically a commission fee, say $6.95, for buying or selling. So you see, I may need $2.10 + $6.95 = $9.05 just to buy one $2 priced stock.However, while the market says $2, and the real amount I'd be spending is $9.05, what is the stock really worth? That is, what is the underlying value? One wouldn't want to spend $9.05 only to learn that the true value of the stock is $1.
There are several ways to value a stock. Consider this way, from Benjamin Graham. Set upper bounds on P/E and P/BVPS, say 15 and 1.5 respectively. Then
(P/EPS)*(P/BVPS) <= 22.5 (note that 15*1.5 = 22.5)
Now solve for P, to get:
P_valuation = sqrt(EPS*BVPS*22.5)
Get EPS and BVPS from Google or Yahoo or anywhere else. Then if P_market < P_valuation, then consider buying the stock.
I'd also look to see if the company pays a dividend. This is important, a nice-to-have, but not a deal-breaker if it doesn't in my opinion. I'd also look at the price of a share. If the stock has a gigantic price like BRK.A, I simply cannot afford it. If the stock is too low in price, I probably don't want it either.
There are other numbers and ratios, etc., one can look at for valuation, but these are the main ones in my opinion.
This is not gospel; this is just a first step.
Because I maintain a certain amount in my combined bank accounts, my commission fees are $0, which helps a lot.
Found: $.10
Total: $1.90
I spotted a dime on the ground while we were walking around the block.
Found: $.04
Total: $1.80
I found $.02 in the parking structure at work, and the other $.02 in the cafeteria at work.
Found: $.25
Total: $1.76
I found $.25 walking around the block! This quarter looks like it was ran over at least 10,000 times.
Found: $.02
Total: $1.51
I found $.02 walking around the block in DC. We had just got done with a science fair.
Found: $.10
Total: $1.49
I found $.10 after exiting the convenience store!
Found: $.16
Total: $1.39
I found $.16 while walking around the track at our local highschool.
If you find money, examine the surrounding area and you may find more.
Found: $.31
Total: $1.23
We found $.25 in the metro station and $.06 in a parking structure outside the metro station!
You know how restaurants tend to frame their first dollar made? Here is a picture of our first dollar ($1.23 actually):

Found: $.02
Total: $.92
In a parking lot outside the grocery store.
Found: $.06
Total: $.90
Yet again...the parking structure at work!
Found: $.02
Total: $.84
We found $.02 walking around the parking structure at work. Apparently people lose a lot of money while getting out of their cars in parking lots.
Found: $.26
Total: $.82
I found $.25 walking around the parking structure at work, and found $.01 at a convenience store. We're almost at our first $1.00!
Found: $.02
Total: $.56
I found $.01 while exercising on the bleachers at the highschool track. I found the other $.01 in a convenience store parking lot.
Found: $.01
Total: $.54
I found $.01 at the car dealership while waiting for an oil change. The oil change was ~ $40, so I can't say I broke even!
Found: $.11
Total: $.53
I found $.11 walking around a parking structure during a lunch break at work. We're halfway to the first dollar!
Found: $.02
Total: $.42
I found $.01 while walking around a high-school track, and $.01 in a parking lot.
Found: $.01
Total: $.40
I found $.01 walking around a parking structure during a lunch break at work.
Found: $.25
Total: $.39
I found a dull quarter on the floor near the counter in a convenience store!
Most of the money we'll find will probably be dull or hidden.
Found: $.02
Total: $.14
I found $.01 in the checkout line of the cafeteria at work. The other $.01 I found while we were walking around a block in our neighborhood. In just 5 days, I've found money at the supermarket, at a parking meter, on the side of the curb, around the neighborhood, at work, and at a store. I'm excited to find other places free money is waiting to be found (and eventually invested).
One can find money anywhere.
Found: $.01
Total: $.12
I was in a convenience store and saw someone drop a penny as they were receiving their change. They knew they dropped the penny, but they didn't pick it up! Don't be like these people.
You are literally throwing money away if you don't pick it up.
Found: $.01
Total: $.11
We walked around Old Towne Alexandria DC for ~2 miles.
Found: $.03
Total: $.10
We walked around DC for ~6 miles, enjoying the (rainy) day.
Found: $.07
Total: $.07
So far I've learned two things:
You need to form some type of plan. The more details (within reason) you have in the plan the better. When you "go to battle", however, things might not play out as you had planned, but that is OK. Just the act of planning will help you stay on track and give you options if certain risks materialize. I'd recommend looking into ideas from the subject of project management.
We all start at $0. I started today at $0. Later on in the day, however, I found a total of $.07 on the ground, so I wasn't at $0 for very long.
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