CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Can We Tune in to Those Who Have Passed on? - May 5, 2000 Editions | myCNN | Video | Audio | Headline News Brief | Feedback CNN Sites CNN CNN Europe CNNfn CNNSI myCNN CNNfyi AllPolitics Languages Search The Web TOP STORIES Bush signs order opening 'faith-based' charity office for business Rescues continue 4 days after devastating India earthquake DaimlerChrysler employees join rapidly swelling ranks of laid-off U.S. workers Disney's is a goner (MORE) BUSINESS Playing for Iraq's jackpot Coke & smoke bite Dow Sun Microsystems posts tiny profit (MORE) MARKETS4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA144.708257.60 NAS3.711394.72 S&P10.90879.91 SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time Shaq could miss playoff game for child's birth Ex-USOC official says athletes bent drug rules (MORE) All Scoreboards WEATHER All cities WORLD Quake help not fast enough, says Indian PM U.S. Bush: No help from Washington for California power crunch POLITICS Bush signs order opening 'faith-based' charity office for business LAW Prosecutor says witnesses saw rap star shoot gun in club TECHNOLOGY Napster to launch fee-based service ENTERTAINMENT TRAVEL Nurses to aid ailing airline passengers ARTS & STYLE Ceramist Adler adds furniture to his creations (MORE HEADLINES) MAINPAGE WORLD U.S. WEATHER BUSINESS SPORTS TECHNOLOGY SPACE HEALTH ENTERTAINMENT POLITICS LAW CAREER TRAVEL FOOD ARTS & STYLE BOOKS NATURE IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists. 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Joining us tonight three famed psychics, James Van Praagh, author of "Healing Grief: Reclaiming Life After Any Loss;" also in Los Angeles, Char Margolis, author of "Questions From Earth, Answers From Heaven;" and Sylvia Browne, author of "God, Creation and Tools for Life." They are all next on LARRY KING LIVE. On a personal note, "Frequency" is a hell of a movie about fathers, and sons, and baseball, and things passed and things that change. All of our guests have seen it. We will begin with the discussion of that and then a general discussion of this whole wave of psychic phenomena that deals with communication at all levels. James, did you like the film? JAMES VAN PRAAGH, SPIRITUAL MEDIUM: I enjoyed the film very much, wonderful. I enjoyed it. KING: It was as much, was it not, Char, about well not so much about death as in fact about life, because he really wasn't dead. CHAR MARGOLIS, PSYCHIC: And about love and how love is a strongest bond that connects us to our loved ones on the other side and here. KING: Did you like it? MARGOLIS: Yes, I liked it very much. KING: Sylvia, what was your critique of "Frequency?" SYLVIA BROWNE, PSYCHIC: I like it. I really liked it a lot. The only thing is that I wish they had more of a spiritual -- you know, I think we talked about this on "The Sixth Sense," too. I wish they had more of a spiritual payoff at the end. KING: Rather than a shoot 'em up. BROWNE: Yes. KING: But they also changed the future. Do you believe in that, Sylvia? BROWNE: No. KING: They changed the death to a non-death. BROWNE: No, no, no, no, because I think the chart is already written, Larry. KING: Done deal, James? BROWNE: Done deal. VAN PRAAGH: I'd say also about the movie, which I found very interesting, what I deal with in my book is loss, and that's this boy could not get on with his life, because he was trying to grieve for his father, and he couldn't grieve his father, so his life was ruined with his wife, and he had to get some resolution. So, that was a good part of the movie to look at that. KING: Do you all of you believe -- Char, do you believe that dead people are around us? MARGOLIS: Yes, I believe that we all have guardian angels and spirit guides, but I also believe we are all intuitive, and I believe that the future can change at any moment, at any second, because of one person's choice or decision, and that the universe tips us off. KING: So nothing is foretold? MARGOLIS: We have intuition, we have instincts. And there was one part in the movie where he was explaining to his father what was going to happen in fire, and he said, and you had a gut feeling not to do something, but you did it. And so when he got to that point in movie, the father went the other way. Sure this fictional, but I have... BROWNE: The gut feeling, the gut feeling is already charted. Everything in life is charted. KING: Do you believe, Sylvia, that tomorrow is already decided. BROWNE: Oh sure, we wrote it. We wrote it. KING: Stop right here, stop, stop. Who's going to win the derby? Hold it, who is going to win derby? What are you laughing -- it's a logical. Nineteen horses going. I like Aptitude. What do you think of that name? What does it tell you -- Aptitude? BROWNE: You know, I think going to be something with a royal name. KING: A royal name. BROWNE: Royal. KING: It's already decided. VAN PRAAGH: Also, though, we talked about this, about having things already set up. Yes, there is a blueprint and there are various lessons that we have to learn, come back on this Earth to learn, but we do have free will, and that is the difference. We can make the right choice or wrong choice. KING: So you can have instinct not go in car today and prevent -- hold it, Sylvia, hold it. Wait until I call on you, or we're all going nuts. Char, you can have an instinct not go to that car ride today. MARGOLIS: Right, right. KING: And maybe have prevented something. MARGOLIS: Right, certain things I believe are predestined, but many things we make happen by our free will and our choice. I agree with... VAN PRAAGH: That is exactly how we learn. KING: Can you explain, Char, instinct? MARGOLIS: To me, it's just a sixth sense, and the way that we get it is through our thoughts. And I believe that just like our those of us fortunate to have our sight, our hearing, our taste, it's just another sense. You know, what's interesting is I talked to Regis Philbin recently, and he said, you know, it's so amazing that most people who win on my show always say they went with their gut feeling. It's a feeling that sometimes goes against all logic, and you have to know how to do it. It's a muscle, the more you use it, the more you listen to it, the better you are at it. KING: And, Sylvia, how about when your gut feeling is wrong? BROWNE: Well your gut feeling can be wrong because any number of determinations, but, actually, Larry, it is more right than wrong. And you keep going back to original chart. They keep talking about free will. You do you have free will, but you have free will before you come in. Otherwise, everything would be random, and then laws of physics, whatever they are, wouldn't stay stable anyway. KING: Do you believe that, James? VAN PRAAGH: I think, also -- but I want to go back to instinct. In ways I do. I think that instinct is who we are. It's our sense of knowingness. It's who we are born with. It's a fabric that we're cut from. It's how we're made. And the more we know ourselves, the more we use that muscle, the more we develop... KING: Some people have instinct to make bad decisions. MARGOLIS: But see, this is what he said earlier: Life is a school, and we're hear to learn. That's why we are all down here. And so we have choice. And you know, do we do this, or don't we do it? And... VAN PRAAGH: And sometimes the things that we do wrong or get screwed up are things we learn from the most. I mean, we have to remember that. KING: So the movie turns into a very good thriller on that level. VAN PRAAGH: The movie takes on... KING: He does change by telling his father things to do and not do. VAN PRAAGH: Yes, and also, that movie, most people loved this movie because it's a fantasy most like to live out, in that when someone passes over and dies, we wish we could say hello again, we wish we had the what ifs -- if only I could have. KING: You could have it back. Sylvia, you join the group here. You were all -- you believe there are dead well around us now? BROWNE: Oh, yes, but you see they don't think they're dead. We're the dead and they're the living. VAN PRAAGH: That's right, exactly right. KING: You mean, they don't think they're dead. VAN PRAAGH: They're not dead, there is no doubt. There is no such thing. BROWNE: No, there's no dead. See, we're the dead and they're the living. James and I are on the same page, because certainly we make bad choices, but this is God's learning place. And if it wasn't that we didn't sign up for all these courses, then we'd be random peas in a pod. Do you believe in that, Char? Do you believe dead people are here right now? MARGOLIS: Yes, and I'm -- I know for a fact that just as that we have impulses, that are radio waves, like radio waves, electrical impulses that go out, that's how I communicate, and we all communicate, with spirits. As we communicate with people who are living, through thought, how many times have you gone to pick up the phone to call your wife or someone, and they're already on it. KING: I know, but people who are dead are dead. MARGOLIS: Well, no. BROWNE: No. KING: No? VAN PRAAGH: Most of the time all you have to remember is most people look at this based upon the physical laws and their five senses. If it cannot be measured by the five senses, then they just say it doesn't exist. KING: Are you inventing a new law. VAN PRAAGH: No. MARGOLIS: You know what, how many times have you seen people who have had near-death experiences, and they've been proclaimed dead on an operating table by the doctor, and then they see their grandfather or some... KING: There is not a lot of that; there is some of that. MARGOLIS: Well, there is more than maybe you've been talking to. VAN PRAAGH: I think it also comes down to each person having to have the faith and the trust, and that each person has to decide for themselves about what is real for them or what is not real. KING: We'll pick right up, we'll be taking your calls of course for James Van Praagh, and Char Margolis and Sylvia Browne, three of the world's best known, all best-selling authors as well, James' book us brand new, too. We'll be right back. Don't go away. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, "FREQUENCY") CAVIEZEL: There was this case, a serial, he never caught him, but he murdered three women, all nurses, between 68 and 69. They call him "The Nightingale." QUAID: The Nightingale? CAVIEZEL: Right. QUAID: We've been watching that on the news. I was worried about... CAVIEZEL: Dad, dad, we did something, something to make it worse. QUAID: I don't understand. CAVIEZEL: He didn't just kill three women anymore -- he's killed 10. Something we did changed the past. QUAID: But how come your mother -- how many... CAVIEZEL: Just think about it, everything you did is different than what you would have did if you would have never gotten out of that warehouse. (END VIDEO CLIP) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: James Van Praagh's newest book is "Healing Grief: Reclaiming Life After Any Loss," There you see its cover; and Char Margolis' is "Questions From Earth, Answer From Heaven," and Sylvia Browne's is "God, Creation and Tools for Life" and "The Other Side and Back." Something what puzzles me when we go back, James -- we'll start with you -- and you tune into people's fathers or mothers, why do you tune into their great, great, great grandfathers? VAN PRAAGH: Well... KING: I mean, why does it have to be a immediate? Why can't it be someone from 200 years ago? We come from somewhere. VAN PRAAGH: That's right. KING: So where are they, though? Where are those spirits? VAN PRAAGH: Well, they could be progressing on to another level. KING: You're never in touch with people from 100 years ago. VAN PRAAGH: The people I'm in touch with are the ones closest to the Earth, the astrolevel. KING: You think there are levels here? VAN PRAAGH: Oh, very much so, different dimensions and different levels which we go to. KING: So the great, great grandfather is gone from communications. VAN PRAAGH: Might have reincarnated. Or there is a level he went to, yes, certainly. KING: How far back do you go, Char? MARGOLIS: Well... KING: Do you go beyond grandfathers? MARGOLIS: Oh yes, I believe that, first of all, we all have a communication with that highest level of consciousness, that we are spirits in our own right, and we get messages on our own without spirits. You know, spirits are like friends -- they can give you good advice and bad advice. So we all need to be in touch with that highest level of consciousness. And I -- it is possible to talk to people who have been decreased for many, many, many years, because I believe that when you die, your spirit goes to your soul and that you keep recycling that soul, each spirit. You die, you come back, you die, you come back, and then that spirit is always in the soul. Whoever is Larry King will be able to come back always. VAN PRAAGH: But then also remember that the expression you are looking at as far as life, you are looking at physical life, and this is a soul, so the only one you know of right now that you are aware of, but right now you can be existed on several levels, which you are, but you're unaware of it, because you're limited with the physical world. BROWNE: Yes, but see, hat is in God's now. We're trying to do a physics thing. Let's make it more simplified for people. Let's say each one of us has a record. And each one of us -- let's call it an old '78 record. Right now, Larry, Char and James and I are in one groove of the record. Now that doesn't mean the needle can't slip. But right now, we're in that groove. Now what the psychic does, or should be able to do, is move from groove to groove, and go back to great, great grandfather or whatever it is, but I think we get to esoteric with all this, you know, that we go back and higher spirit, and we have a spirit guide, we have our own inner-self that is there, we have angels around us, and because we're going to complicate this whole thing. VAN PRAAGH: And it's true, you can complicate things too much. KING: All of it though, James, what it does is it's dealing with death, you know that. VAN PRAAGH: It's dealing with death. KING: The biggest fear man has -- if there was no death, there would be no you here tonight. VAN PRAAGH: That's right. This death, this is loss. We have loss every day, and that's how we learn in life, through our losses, and death is just -- we just leave this world and go to another world. KING: Since they have this, do you know why, Char, they never come back in physical form? MARGOLIS: Well, sometimes they manifest themselves. Where? MARGOLIS: In front of people. Many people have seen spirits come back, their grandparents, their mothers, their sisters. KING: And you know they're not hallucinating. MARGOLIS: No, I mean, they're literally seeing -- when Dean Martin's son was missing, they called me to find him. The United States Air Force couldn't find him for five weeks -- I mean, five days. KING: Plane crashed. MARGOLIS: Right, and his crash, and the family called me up, I went to the Air Force base, I got a map, I went he is right here, if you go to this spot, you'll find him, and they went, within two hours, they found him. KING: He was telling you where he was. MARGOLIS: It was Dean Paul that told me where he was. VAN PRAAGH: There is such a thing as materialization also, where a spirit can materialize in a room, a physical medium. What we do... KING: You've seen this? VAN PRAAGH: I have not seen a physical, no. KING: Have you seen it, Sylvia. BROWNE: Yes, absolutely. KING: You've seen a physical. BROWNE: Yes, absolutely, with the Toys 'R' Us ghost, when I -- Montel said the last show that I found 10 people on -- you know, that were in the water in mountains, and when I worked on the Green River Murders. That's how it go ahold of them, was the spirits came to me, and told me where they were. KING: Do all of you like this power you have? VAN PRAAGH: You know, I think that this power, if you call it a power, because I don't call it a power. BROWNE: I call it a gift. VAN PRAAGH: I call it a sense of who I am, it's just who I am, and it's a responsibility. It's also a burden, and you have to understand that, because you're responsibility for other people's lives. KING: You glad you have it? VAN PRAAGH: I'm glad that I'm helping people with this, because that's what I came to do. MARGOLIS: You know what, I call it a sixth sense that everybody has. And in my book, "Questions From Earth, Answers From Heaven," I teach people my method of how to do this for yourself, because the future can change any moment. When you're tipped off and you listen and you know how to listen, you can help yourself and your loved ones. KING: We'll get a break. We'll be back with more. We'll of course be including your phone calls. This is LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, "FREQUENCY") QUAID: Yes, say hello to my life wife, Julia. CAVIEZEL: Hi. ELIZABETH MITCHELL, ACTRESS: Hi, John. Frank tells me you're a cop. CAVIEZEL: Yeah, that's right. MITCHELL: Yes? My 6-year-old keeps telling us he wants to be a policeman right after he retires from the Majors. We just him a bat and a whistle for his birthday. CAVIEZEL: Yes, I remember. I used to play cops and robbers all the time and you -- but my mom wouldn't let me have a toy gun. MITCHELL: Sounds like your mom and I would get along. CAVIEZEL: Yes, she's pretty special. I'm real proud of her. MITCHELL: Well, I bet she's proud of you, too, huh, being a cop and all? CAVIEZEL: I hope so. I hope she knows how much I love her. MITCHELL: Oh, she knows. Moms always know how much their kids love them, even if they don't tell them all the time like they should. DANIEL HENSON, ACTOR: I want to talk on daddy's radio. QUAID: OK, chief, go ahead. MITCHELL: OK, sweetheart, say good night to John. HENSON: Good night, Jon. CAVIEZEL: Good night there, chief. (END VIDEO CLIP) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: Let's start with Sylvia this time. Don't mean to be too skeptical. But, Sylvia, back in old days when I was on radio in Miami, I used to do a show every six months, where I said I have received psychic gifts and I will tell audience psychic readings -- 90 percent correct. People were telling me, that's amazing, Larry, you're amazing. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I was guessing. BROWNE: No, you were just doing a general thing. We call it a cold reading. KING: No, but I told people they had a bad back. I told people they had insomnia -- you're right, you're right, you're right. I was right. So, but I don't know what I was doing. So doesn't this play to people's needs? BROWNE: Oh, I think a lot of people do, but you see, you know, I think you have to be more specific than that. I think the other two will -- one thing that I do is I don't see, Larry, I don't just contact the dead. That's part of it. I work with 217 doctors and police departments. But I tell people's future, and I have to be specific. I mean, I have to know that it is not just John Doe, I have to know that it's Bernard Schulz or whatever. KING: OK, then not meaning to be kidding, why can't you tune into the Derby tomorrow? Really, I'm not kidding. BROWNE: I guess because I don't give a rat's ass about it. KING: You mean you have to care about it? BROWNE: I don't really -- I don't care about sports. KING: All right, I'm your client. BROWNE: I told you, I told you that it's royal, it's something royal, I do know that. Whether it's queen, or king, or princess or something. VAN PRAAGH: I also think that it's up to each sensitive to choose how they want to use their gift. If there is someone who's very psychic, they can decide how they want to use that. If they want to do lotteries, want to do race horse races, they can do that. KING: Why wouldn't you do that? VAN PRAAGH: I think... KING: I mean, it's logical. You could help a lot of people -- win the lottery and give it to charity. VAN PRAAGH: Sure. KING: So do it. VAN PRAAGH: You know, I think it's better helping people the way I help them... (CROSSTALK) KING: But it's a copout. MARGOLIS: You know what, it's not about that. VAN PRAAGH: I think what we're doing, is we're teaching that there is life after death, and then we take away the biggest fear of mankind, and that's not a copout. That's a pretty good thing. KING: If you can show them the real way... VAN PRAAGH: If you can demonstrate that we're spirits.. KING: But you're appealing to the greatest need of living forever, is your greatest need, right? VAN PRAAGH: Of course, but with that, with that greatest, the psychic or the medium must have responsibility with that gift. They can't take advantage of people. They have to be responsible for people. KING: There are charlatans. VAN PRAAGH: Yes there are. KING: What were you going to say, Char? MARGOLIS: Yes, it's not about that. You know, if we knew everything, we wouldn't be all be down here. Life is a school and we're going to learn, and that's the lessons that we're learning. And if somebody is supposed to win lottery, they're supposed to win it. If they're not, they're not. BROWNE: They won't. KING: If you can see tomorrow, you would know who would win the lottery, right? MARGOLIS: Well, it depends. Some people dream numbers, and right them down and then go bet them and win. (CROSSTALK) MARGOLIS: Well, no, I talked to a few people who said I had an instinct, I wrote down the numbers, and I went and I won. I can't do that. VAN PRAAGH: Like Char said, also you have to remember, this is our school room, this is our learning center, so some things are hidden from us that we have to learn from. Sometimes we're not given the answers. KING: Can you explain -- we'll take some calls -- can you explain how a spirit comes to you. I haven't taken any call yet. So this first caller is going to call and say -- how does that spirit come to you? Where are they know, and how do then know that person is calling in? VAN PRAAGH: The way that I work is, number one, there is no such thing as just there and here, it's altogether, it's all one. It's just another dimension. What I do is just like a radio station. You turn on, you turn off. You turn on to that awareness, and that -- you put focus on that awareness and you become very, very open to receiving impressions. I tune to the voice of the caller. And through that voice, I'm able to pick up any spirit that's around that person. KING: What do you do? VAN PRAAGH: And the spirit projects their likeness to me or their feelings to me. KING: What do you do? MARGOLIS: You know, everybody is different. All I need from somebody is to say hello, and just to say yes or no to me. I work with initials and names, and, then I try to put them together, and then once I know that I'm in sync with them, I give a message about it. KING: And what do you do, Sylvia? BROWNE: I work with God. I just... KING: You mean, you answer questions that people ask you. BROWNE: I don't have anything to do with it, Larry, I just believe that I just get all the information from God, that nothing has to do with Sylvia. KING: Do you ever ask yourself why you, Sylvia? BROWNE: Yes, a million times, Larry, but then I come from 300 years of psychics, so I guess we all ask why. KING: Let's take a break, come back, and include your phone calls with James Van Praagh, Char Margolis and Sylvia Browne. This is LARRY KING LIVE. Monday night, meet the judges. Don't go away. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, "FREQUENCY") CAVIEZEL: Listen, you've got to get me that wallet. QUAID: How the hell am I supposed to do that? CAVIEZEL: As carefully as possible. Take your wallet out, just touch it on the corners. QUAID: What are you talking about? CAVIEZEL: Please, dad, just do it. QUAID: OK, all right. CAVIEZEL: All right. All right. QUAID: OK, all right, I got it. CAVIEZEL: All right, now, listen, I want you to wrap it up. Put it in on of those plastic bags you keep the extra transistors in. QUAID: Yes, yes, I see where you're going chief, all right. CAVIEZEL: Beautiful. OK, now I want you to hide it somewhere, nobody is going to find it for the next 30 years. I think maybe... QUAID: Where? CAVIEZEL: The window seat in the dining room -- there's a loose board on left, on the bottom. QUAID: Perfect, beautiful. It's in! CAVIEZEL: Great. OK, I'm after it. We're in business. Now just sit tight, and don't worry. (END VIDEO CLIP) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) R6 KING: We're back. Let's go to some phone calls. Fort Worth, Texas, hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: Hi. I was doing some genealogical research this afternoon, and I was reading about two of my ancestors that died in the Civil War. I had a very strong feeling that somebody was looking over my shoulder wanted to tell me something. KING: All right, Char, you want to take that? MARGOLIS: OK, can you just say yes or no to me and tell me whether it's somebody living or deceased that I'm talking about. I don't know that I'll be exactly of the people that you're talking about. But was there a "J" or an "M" initial. CALLER: One was John. MARGOLIS: Don't say the name. I was going to say John. I think that that is who it was. Did you think it was him? CALLER: I thought it was either one of them. MARGOLIS: Yes, I think it was definitely John, wanting you know that he knows what you're doing, and he is happy that you're acknowledging him. And also, are you -- boy, are you talking about redoing something around your home, or do you have a problem with your locks on your house? CALLER: No. MARGOLIS: I don't know what I'm getting about this, but I want you to be really careful. He's showing me make sure that -- do you have an alarm in your house? CALLER: No. MARGOLIS: OK, just make sure that your locks are working. KING: James, do you feel something on this? VAN PRAAGH: No, I haven't tuned in. KING: You don't. Sylvia, did you feel anything? R7 BROWNE: Yes, I feel an Emily. CALLER: Emily doesn't sound familiar. BROWNE: Well, she is, because she's on, I think it's on the father's side, very small, wore a bonnet, with a bow in a bonnet. KING: She could check that. BROWNE: Yes. A taffeta dress. R8 VAN PRAAGH: I can pick up a woman who made dresses. I picked up a woman around this lady who passed over who made dresses when she was alive. R9 KING: Miami, hello. CALLER: Hi. Thank you. I'd like to know if you can get in contact with my brother. He died in February of '99. KING: James. VAN PRAAGH: Was this a car accident of some sort? CALLER: No. VAN PRAAGH: Was it a fast impact with his death? CALLER: No. VAN PRAAGH: I feel like it was impact for some reason, I don't know why, and I feel like, I don't know, but I feel like the head area. R10 BROWNE: No. It seems like something in his system turned on him. CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: Yes, it was his system that turned on him, and it almost like, you know, when your blood poisoned your system. CALLER: Yes, yes, he had cancer. BROWNE: I know. CALLER: Lymphoma. BROWNE: But it looks like it spread everywhere, from, you know, one end to other and then his liver swelled so bad. CALLER: Yes. (CROSSTALK) VAN PRAAGH: His head was like. I feel like he could not communicate at the end at all, and I feel like something about -- either way, he was in a coma I feel at the end. CALLER: Yes, yes he was. VAN PRAAGH: And I feel like he tried to get through to you, and I think after he's passed over, he's come through in many ways. I feel like there was a clock also that he stopped, understand that, because comes with a clock that he stopped. CALLER: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: You understand about that? Because he comes in with a clock that he stops electrically. He also come in with you with radios... CALLER: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: And doing something with songs. You said this is his favorite song, and it was played, do you understand that? CALLER: Yes, I do. VAN PRAAGH: Because he happened to be there right after. He has been very, very psychic. Your brother is very, very psychic, very, very sensitive. He comes in all the time. He watches you also to watch something, either a doorway that you can trip over something, a throw rug or something on this doorway. CALLER: OK. KING: I don't envy any of you. You enjoy having this. VAN PRAAGH: I love it. I love helping people. KING: You do, too, Char? MARGOLIS: Yes. KING: You like it, Sylvia? BROWNE: Oh, I love it. KING: We'll be back. Give you credit. We'll back with more. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: We're back in connection with the extraordinary new motion film -- motion picture "Frequency." Our guests are James Van Praagh, the spiritual medium, whose latest book is "Healing Grief: Reclaiming Life After Any Loss." Char Margolis -- she is a psychic intuition trainer and author of "Questions From Earth, Answers From Heaven. And in Providence, Rhode Island is Sylvia Browne, psychic and author of "God, Creation and Tools for Life," and "The Other Side and Back: A Psychic's Guide to Our World and Beyond." R11 Back to calls. Redondo Beach, California, hello. CALLER: Hello, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: I'm hoping your guests can help me get in touch with my son. He died tragically. KING: How old was he? BROWNE: Wasn't there... CALLER: Twenty-one. KING: OK. Who wants to (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Sylvia. BROWNE: Let me -- let me channel it. Didn't he have huge, large, luminous eyes? CALLER: Huge what? BROWNE: Large luminous eyes, oval face... CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: ... very manicured eyebrows. He had sort of a wrinkle under his eyes. He had a lopsided grin. CALLER: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) R12 VAN PRAAGH: I feel he was hit or he was attacked... (CROSSTALK) BROWNE: No, a percussion to the head. VAN PRAAGH: I feel like it was the surprise of his death, too. I don't (UNINTELLIGIBLE) expected this. KING: How did he die, ma'am? CALLER: He was hit by a truck on a motorcycle. VAN PRAAGH: Yes, and he was not expecting it. It was a surprise to him, and his head hit the pavement I see, too. I think they tried resuscitating him at the scene but it didn't happen. CALLER: Right. VAN PRAAGH: And saying -- he wants to thank you for dropping flowers off there, because someone went out of their way -- I think it was you -- and dropped flowers off. Does he have a sister also, please? CALLER: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: Because he wanted to give love to his sister from him. And something with flowers at that spot, that spot... KING: What do you see, Char? R13 MARGOLIS: I want to know if there is somebody close to him that's an M or R initial, or M or B? CALLER: My first name is M. MARGOLIS: Are you M-A? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: R? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Like Mary or... CALLER: Uh-huh. MARGOLIS: OK. He wants you to know that when you felt that you saw him at nighttime -- do you remember feeling him at nighttime? Did you feel him... CALLER: Well, I wanted to. MARGOLIS: Did -- have you been talking to him when you pray at night? CALLER: All the time. MARGOLIS: He's telling me that he knows this, and he's showing me a big shirt. Did he wear a big shirt? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: An oversized shirt? CALLER: Lots of them, yes. MARGOLIS: And do you ever wear his shirt? CALLER: He's telling me that he sees you wearing his shirt, and he loves -- he loves his momma, Mary. He loves you. And he's fine. KING: Tell you what, Mary... MARGOLIS: Do you know what: The only good news is you'll see him again when you pass over. KING: Is that the case in all these cases? VAN PRAAGH: Oh, yes... BROWNE: All of them, every one of them. (CROSSTALK) VAN PRAAGH: ... loved ones. KING: You will see them. R14 San Diego, hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry. My question for the psychics and mediums is I felt spirit guides around me in the past, but I haven't had any one very close to me like a sibling or a parent die. How can I know who it is who's watching over or guiding me? VAN PRAAGH: Well, the easiest way that I tell... BROWNE: You have.... VAN PRAAGH: ... people is before you.... KING: One at a time. VAN PRAAGH: The easiest way that I tell people is, No. 1, go through your dream state. Before you go to sleep at night, ask them to reveal themselves in your dreams, and you will see them. It happens all the time. Also with people who have passed over, that's another way for you to make communication with them: Ask them to come through the dream state. Another way, of course, is through meditation as well. KING: And Sylvia, were you going to add something? BROWNE: Yes, I go along with James in this one. You can go to a seashore or mentally put your feet in the sand, and ask for "Candice" to come to you, because that really is the name of your guide. KING: Candice is the name of the guide. Char, do you want to add anything? MARGOLIS: You know, I was picking up somebody with an E or A initial. CALLER: No... MARGOLIS: Do you have anyone... CALLER: Oh, the E. MARGOLIS: Deceased. CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Is it a female? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Is it E-L? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Like Elizabeth or... CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Elizabeth? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: That's who I feel is your spirit guide. Is this your grandmother or... CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Your grandmother? CALLER: My grandmother. MARGOLIS: She's with you always. KING: OK. You guys are destroying me tonight. CALLER: Wow. KING: That's unbelievable. R15 Fort Lauderdale, Florida -- they're all hitting it on guns. Fort Lauderdale, hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: My question is for the psychics. My mom died suddenly about eight years ago on Mother's Day. And I was just wondering if they can tell me anything about it. KING: OK, we'll start with James on this one. BROWNE: This -- this was... KING: All right. We'll start -- you start it, Sylvia. Go. BROWNE: Yes. This looks like it was a vascular problem. It looks like it hit in head and chest. CALLER: Yes, it was a heart attack. BROWNE: Well, honey, that is in the chest. That's vascular. CALLER: Right. R16 VAN PRAAGH: I also feel that there were some medications this lady was taking, which she was taking for a long period of time before she passed over. CALLER: Yes, she was taking... (CROSSTALK) BROWNE: But old... VAN PRAAGH: And I also -- excuse me. I also have a sense... BROWNE: James... VAN PRAAGH: I also have a sense that she was mixing medication of some sort, and I feel like -- I also feel her breathing was very much troubled, and I feel that she had trouble breathing toward the end. Before she had this heart attack, there was some respiration trouble, too, I feel. KING: Sylvia, you want to add something? BROWNE: Yes, because it looks like she was having congestive heart failure, is what you're picking up. KING: Yes. BROWNE: She was gradually beginning to fill up with water. KING: Now hold on, both of you. Is she telling you this now? BROWNE: Oh yes. VAN PRAAGH: I'm picking it up just... BROWNE: She's telling me that. VAN PRAAGH: ... from -- from her focusing her energy toward me or toward the mind, and she focuses this toward us and then we pick it up. KING: And she sees her daughter? VAN PRAAGH: And it's not necessarily limited to one person. It's like a pool, Larry... BROWNE: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: And we pick up what's in that pool, and that's how it works. KING: But her daughter's in Fort Lauderdale... VAN PRAAGH: But you're not... KING: ... and you're here. VAN PRAAGH: And you're limiting yourself... BROWNE: But there's no time. VAN PRAAGH: ... to the physical world. There is no sense as physical there... BROWNE: There's no time. VAN PRAAGH: ... as we know it, the borders, the walls. KING: I'm too literal for this. VAN PRAAGH: You're too literal. MARGOLIS: Some people believe that the speed of thought is much faster than the speed of light. CALLER: Can you also tell me if she knows she's a grandmother? MARGOLIS: Can you what? KING: Does she know she's a grandmother? VAN PRAAGH: Yes. BROWNE: Oh, she knows everything. MARGOLIS: She knows everything. She knows everything. Will you say just yes or no to me? CALLER: Sure. R17 MARGOLIS: Is there somebody close to her that's an A or an M initial? Anyone deceased or living? CALLER: An A. MARGOLIS: Is that a female? CALLER: No. MARGOLIS: A male A. CALLER: Yes, male. MARGOLIS: In his name, is there an N in it or an R? CALLER: Yes, yes. MARGOLIS: Is it A-N... CALLER: No. MARGOLIS: But is it Alan or -- there's an N in it. CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: OK. Aaron? I don't know the name. CALLER: It's Arnold. MARGOLIS: Arnold, OK. Is he living? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: He watches -- she watches over Arnold. Is this your family? CALLER: It's my father. MARGOLIS: Your father. And she wants you to know that when he passes over, she'll be there for him, that you don't have to be sad. You know, that'll be good: When that time comes, she'll be there. VAN PRAAGH: I just want to say also, there's trouble with his feet. There's trouble with his feet, the father, I'm picking up. MARGOLIS: Are there? VAN PRAAGH: I don't know. Is it toenails or... KING: Does he have foot problems? CALLER: No. KING: OK, Sylvia, what if you pick up a bad thing? BROWNE: Then you tell them. You have to. KING: You tell them? VAN PRAAGH: That's right. BROWNE: I -- I made a contract with God -- what? -- 48 years ago that I would tell everyone exactly what I saw, but I never wanted to hurt anyone. VAN PRAAGH: I think it's also how you couch it. In other words, a psychic can say something, just scream it out and blurb it out, and have no sense of responsibility for that. BROWNE: Well, that's psychic ethics... VAN PRAAGH: But you can also... BROWNE: ... James. VAN PRAAGH: Right, you have to have ethics, exactly. You have to say something in a way that you are respectful to the person, because you have a responsibility. KING: But it is... MARGOLIS: But usually... BROWNE: But James, when they know -- but people know that they really have this knowledge about their chart even more than we think they do. And I've never found that I ever surprised people that much. VAN PRAAGH: Right. MARGOLIS: Usually, if there's something bad, many times you can help prevent the problem from happening, and that's what this work in my -- in my practice... BROWNE: Yes. MARGOLIS: ... is to prevent problems and attain goals, to help people. BROWNE: But you also were written... VAN PRAAGH: Help them help themselves. BROWNE: ... into their charts, Char. VAN PRAAGH: Or help them to learn about their charts... BROWNE: Sure. VAN PRAAGH: ... help them to become aware of their charts. BROWNE: Yes. KING: All right. Back with more calls on LARRY KING LIVE, right after this. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) R18 KING: We're back. Orville, Ohio, hello. CALLER: Yes, hi. I was calling to see -- I lost my best friend, my closest friend four years ago, and I really need to know if he is OK and if they could sense him being around me at all, because I feel his presence around me a lot. KING: All right. Who wants to start? BROWNE: Yes, because he sits on your bed all the time. KING: We'll start with Sylvia. OK. What? BROWNE: Yes, because he sits on your bed all the time. CALLER: Oh really. BROWNE: Yes, and he sits on your bed, and the other thing that he does is he has a tendency to flick lights, make things go off and on. But more important than that, I think the fact that he really didn't get a chance to say goodbye keeps coming in so strong from him. CALLER: Oh my gosh, that's true. That's true. R19 VAN PRAAGH: I get a sense very strongly that there's something to do with writing with this man, and I'm getting thank you for a letter or something you wrote to him after he died. And I don't know if you wanted to write something about him, like a poem or a book of something, a story about him. But I'm getting a thank you for that. OK? CALLER: Are you feeling that he's OK, though? VAN PRAAGH: Oh yes, I feel he's fine. BROWNE: Oh, he made it perfect. KING: By the way, is anybody not fine on... VAN PRAAGH: Sure, they are, because... MARGOLIS: Yes. BROWNE: Not him. VAN PRAAGH: ... if they created a life on the other side that they want -- if they created life down here... KING: So they could have bad times there. VAN PRAAGH: Heaven or hell based upon thoughts, our words and our deeds. MARGOLIS: Some don't -- some people don't know that they're dead. VAN PRAAGH: That's right. BROWNE: That's right. MARGOLIS: Some people don't go to white light; they stay Earth- bound. VAN PRAAGH: Because it's a natural transition, so people think, oh, my gosh, and they expect this big thing to happen, and it doesn't happen, because... KING: What do you feel from this man (UNINTELLIGIBLE)? R20 MARGOLIS: Could you just say yes or no to me. CALLER: OK. MARGOLIS: OK. Was there someone close to him that's an R or B? Or was he an R or B? CALLER: There was someone close to him. MARGOLIS: Which letter? CALLER: The R. MARGOLIS: A male or female R... CALLER: Females. MARGOLIS: In her first name is there a T in it or an S in it? CALLER: Yes, in it. MARGOLIS: Which? CALLER: The T. MARGOLIS: Like a Ruth or Rita or Roberta? CALLER: Rita. MARGOLIS: Rita? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Is that his family? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Is it his mother? CALLER: No. MARGOLIS: Or his sister? Who is it? CALLER: It's a relative of his, his aunt. MARGOLIS: OK. Do you still talk to Rita? CALLER: Occasionally. MARGOLIS: Because he likes the fact that you're still in touch with her. CALLER: Oh my gosh. MARGOLIS: And he wants -- he wants you to know that he knows -- you have a picture of him near you? CALLER: Yes, I do. VAN PRAAGH: I was just getting that. MARGOLIS: And are you looking at it? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: You're looking at it? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: He's telling you, is that proof enough that you know I'm here with you? And thank you for watching Rita, because if he were around he would have been taking care of her, because she's getting old. So keep in touch with her. KING: Well, whatever you're doing, you're helping a lot of people. *T2R21 Oakville, Ontario, hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: I have a question for your panel. KING: Sure. CALLER: My daughter and I recently had an encounter with a spiritual presence in our home. KING: Yes. CALLER: It was successfully taken care of by our parish priest. However, I feel another presence here, and my question is, what is attracting these spirits to us? Is it like my daughter and I, or is it our home? KING: Wait a minute. Did you see something, ma'am? CALLER: No, but we had -- well, yes, actually, I did see something. MARGOLIS: Did things fly off the wall? BROWNE: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) MARGOLIS: Did things fly off the wall? CALLER: No. MARGOLIS: Or did things... BROWNE: No, a cold spell. MARGOLIS: ... just move on their own? KING: What do you mean by a cold spell, Sylvia? BROWNE: It's a cold spot. She walked into a cold spot. It's a shivery thing. CALLER: Well, what happened with was there was a phone calls. I did see a white light in the middle of night. VAN PRAAGH: Very common. BROWNE: Very common. Yes, that's a spirit guide. CALLER: And it was around my daughter. MARGOLIS: How old is your daughter? CALLER: She's 15. BROWNE: Yes, that's right at the puberty stage. MARGOLIS: You know, it's probably a poltergeist. Many young teenagers and young... KING: Fooling around. MARGOLIS: ... people have poltergeists, and they're mischievous spirits. KING: Ma'am, what did the priest do? CALLER: He came in and verified that yes, there was something here, and he basically said a prayer in her bedroom, because that's where he felt the presence. And then he said, OK, it's gone. VAN PRAAGH: I also feel that the spirit is around your daughter because she's very, very psychic. She's very, very intuitive... BROWNE: Yes, yes. VAN PRAAGH: ... very sensitive, and that this spirit sees a light around your daughter, and they'll be attracted to that light, that light of innocence... BROWNE: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: ... and love around her. And that's the way it is. This woman -- I feel that this woman does not realize that she's passed over, that she's passed out of the physical world. *T2R22 MARGOLIS: Is there someone around your daughter that's a Matthew or a Michael? CALLER: No. MARGOLIS: Or is there a J like a Jason or John? CALLER: There is a John. MARGOLIS: Who is this? CALLER: Well, it could be John, her uncle, or John, a close friend of hers. MARGOLIS: I think -- I think -- and he's young as well. CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Somehow it's -- is he like a boyfriend? Did he have an interest in her? CALLER: Well, yes, I think so. MARGOLIS: OK. Somehow this energy is coming from John as well. KING: And none of you can explain where this is coming from, can you, Sylvia? BROWNE: Yes, I know. I know it's a spirit guide. It's none of the above. It's a spirit guide that's there. KING: Who's working with you? BROWNE: Yes, the spirit guide is a person who comes around, and no wonder the priest couldn't get rid of him, because this is not a bad person, this is not a dead person. This is a person... MARGOLIS: No, the priest did get rid of him. KING: She said the priest said he got rid of it. VAN PRAAGH: The priest got rid of the first spirit, yes. BROWNE: No, you can't get rid of a spirit guide. MARGOLIS: Oh, no, no, no. Just the poltergeist. KING: You mean the priest thought he got rid of it? MARGOLIS: Oh, oh. KING: I don't know what I'm talking about. MARGOLIS: I don't either. KING: We'll be back with... (LAUGHTER) We'll be back with more right after this. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: Are they always there when people ask for them -- James? VAN PRAAGH: When people -- when people ask, well, I was just telling you that when people ask for spirits, communicate, like we're doing tonight, you can't actually (UNINTELLIGIBLE) on demand, because the spirit is not necessarily... KING: You can't do it on demand? VAN PRAAGH: Not all time. KING: What? The spirit might be at a ball game? VAN PRAAGH: Or it might be a different spirit that comes through. It all depends. MARGOLIS: You know, in my method of teaching people to develop their psychic abilities, there are two ways of being psychic. One is by demand, and one is at random. You might at your busiest time of the day,m driving the car, having to pick the kids, having to do the grocery shopping, have to cook, and a thought comes in your head that says: You know what? You better be careful because you're going to get a flat tire. VAN PRAAGH: That's right. MARGOLIS: And then -- that's why it's so important to be aware of our thoughts, because it tips -- the universe tips us off. R21 (continues through 24) KING: Toledo, Ohio, hello. VAN PRAAGH: That's right. CALLER: Hi, yes. I was just calling in regards to my mother-in- law. She passed away rather suddenly. And I -- I don't know. I just wanted to have something to say to the -- what she might want to have to say to the family. KING: Who wants to... VAN PRAAGH: What's her first name? R22 BROWNE: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) a blood clot or a stroke. KING: What's her name? CALLER: What was her name? KING: Yes. CALLER: Shirley. VAN PRAAGH: Shirley, OK. I -- is there a son here that belonged to her? Shirley? CALLER: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: Because for some reason she keeps on talking about her son, and her son is just making a change: a position in a job or location. CALLER: Huh. VAN PRAAGH: OK? But there's a big change coming to this person. I also see children around him. CALLER: Uh-huh. VAN PRAAGH: OK? And I feel for some strange reason a house has been painted recently. CALLER: Whose house? VAN PRAAGH: I don't know, but I'm being told the house has been painted, like his house or someone in the family just painted their house. KING: Sylvia, what do you get? BROWNE: It looks like it was an embolism or a blood clot. And she said that for some reason -- I don't know why -- but she said she was sick a long time before anybody knew how sick she was. CALLER: Uh-huh. BROWNE: And she said -- she just -- she was the kind that never really released this. You know what I mean? CALLER: Right. BROWNE: It's like: "I'm tired. I'm not going to tell you." CALLER: Right, exactly. BROWNE: And then something about -- and then -- but you kept saying, you were the one that kept saying something's wrong, something's wrong. CALLER: I was? BROWNE: Yes. But you kept feeling that there was something wrong. (CROSSTALK) VAN PRAAGH: I also feel -- I also feel this lady that she wanted to be in control and she didn't want anyone to know that she was ill. BROWNE: That's what I just said. VAN PRAAGH: I feel that she did not want anyone around her to know that... BROWNE: No, that she was sick. VAN PRAAGH: Right. R23 MARGOLIS: She -- can I ask you something please? CALLER: Sure. MARGOLIS: Just say yes or no to me. Is there an R or H person around her? Did you she know a Rose? CALLER: No. MARGOLIS: Or an H, an R, or an H or a Robert? CALLER: Gosh, I can't think off-hand. MARGOLIS: Or Ronald? Or something like this R-O? KING: How do you explain picking up letters? How do you explain that? BROWNE: I don't know. It's like alphabet soup. MARGOLIS: That's what... KING: I mean, where does the letter come from? MARGOLIS: ... somebody called me once. But no, I just -- for some reason my gift is to be very specific. And when I get an initial or a name, until up to this point, I was right on with every name that I've gotten, and I still may be right on, but she's -- she's not thinking. Let me ask you one more thing. Is there a J or an M with her? Think of the people close to you, both living and deceased? CALLER: Well, I am her daughter-in-law. So I'm really... MARGOLIS: Think. You're not thinking. You're going to hang up the phone... BROWNE: Well, no, it wouldn't be anything to her anyway. MARGOLIS: But -- but what she's trying to say is... KING: It wouldn't mean anything to her? BROWNE: No. MARGOLIS: But what she's saying is there's somebody that she's with that's either a J or an M or an R. And I don't know the name. BROWNE: She's with a little round... VAN PRAAGH: You know, I also... BROWNE: She's with a little round woman. (CROSSTALK) VAN PRAAGH: ... parents came to get her. BROWNE: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: I think her parents were there when she passed over to come and get her. And I think that they brought her over there so she wouldn't fear death, and her mother especially, a very outgoing person, a very loving person, and wanted to let her know that it was OK. I feel this lady went very, very quickly when she passed over, though, and I think she had dreams beforehand. I think she saw a spirit beforehand, like days before. MARGOLIS: Did they give you something... KING: She's gone already. I hung up. MARGOLIS: OK. KING: We'll take a break, come back with our... BROWNE: Yes. I don't blame her. KING: We'll take a break, come back, get another call in too. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) R24 KING: Go. CALLER: Hi, Larry. I have a question for your panel. I have two deceased relatives that come to me -- they've come to me ever since I was a little girl, and I don't know what their -- why they constantly contact me on a regular basis. And it's only in my dream state. I don't know if you can... MARGOLIS: You know what, when... BROWNE: Who is the little short woman with the sort of pointy ears, wore her hair short, little pug nose, small stature? CALLER: That would be my aunt. BROWNE: OK. Now, who is... KING: Is she one of the people that comes to you? BROWNE: Who is the thick guy with the thick neck, broad face, large nose, wore glasses? CALLER: I don't know who that would be. KING: Who do you see, James? VAN PRAAGH: Well, I was going just going to say, answer her question about the dream state -- that's the easiest way for a spirit to communicate is through a dream state. BROWNE: Uh-huh. MARGOLIS: Exactly. R25 VAN PRAAGH: I fell it's someone that's on the mother's side of the family, and I feel it was relatives. I feel there was a man who died very, very young. And there was -- from birth died, but there was someone from the mother's side of the family that died very young. He was a man. He's is connected with this woman in some way. I don't feel a sister, though. But I feel there's a connection there. I know there's an aunt of his, but there's some kind of connection with him. And I don't think you knew of him, this man. MARGOLIS: You know, the important thing is for you to listen to the dream, because they're going to give you a message in this dream, and it's a message for you to listen to. And it may be symbolic. It may be that you have to be careful with your health, but it may be somebody close to you, health. And have you had anything like this, where they tipped you off? CALLER: Well, my grandmother... MARGOLIS: Yes. CALLER: ... who has contacted me for the past -- she died when I was five. MARGOLIS: Right. CALLER: She came to me the night she died. MARGOLIS: And let you know she was passing? CALLER: Yes, I saw her casket and everything beforehand, and they had... MARGOLIS: See, you have an intuitive gift. Listen to it, own it, and it will help you or a loved one, one day. Just -- just own it and know that it's real. You can be more psychic than for you than all of us could ever be for you at times, because you're in sync with your life and you're closer to your grandmother than any of are. VAN PRAAGH: And also, you want to keep next to your bed a journal or something you can write up -- write down when you have these dreams so you can get them in the mornings. BROWNE: Yes. That's so important. VAN PRAAGH: It's good to have it next to the bed. R26 KING: Let's get another call. Munich, Germany, hello. CALLER: Hello, panel. My question is do you have any feelings about my grandmother or... VAN PRAAGH: Yes. CALLER: ... in some way is it connected to my marriage or whatever? VAN PRAAGH: Well, I feel this lady has trouble with her eyes. Do you understand that? CALLER: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: Because it feels like there's trouble with her eyes. She can't see straight, is blind... KING: Grandmother? VAN PRAAGH: Yes. And I feel like there's either some blindness in one eye, stronger than the other one, OK? I also feel like she's guiding things with your wedding or helping you to find the right person. OK? CALLER: Actually, I'm already married. VAN PRAAGH: Well, did you find this man in a very strange way or it came about in a very odd way how you found each other? CALLER: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: Because I feel like this woman was helping with that. I feel like it was all orchestrated from spirit. I also feel he has two jobs here with him. I don't know what it means. But there are two types of earning income. R27 MARGOLIS: Is there an A or M person close to your grandma? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Or which letter? CALLER: A and M. MARGOLIS: Is the A a female? CALLER: That's me. MARGOLIS: Is it A-N? CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: Like Ann or Anna or... CALLER: Ang... MARGOLIS: ... Angela or... CALLER: Angie. MARGOLIS: Angie. And the M, is that a female? CALLER: That's a male. MARGOLIS: Is it M-I... CALLER: Yes. MARGOLIS: ... for Michael? CALLER: That's my husband. VAN PRAAGH: Amazing. MARGOLIS: She knows about -- she's telling me she knows about Angela and Michael. She's very happy for the union. She's been with you. And are you talking about having a child? CALLER: We have -- we have a child. MARGOLIS: OK, because she's saying that she watches over the child. Did you think this? CALLER: I had no idea she was -- she was more like a mother than a grandmother. MARGOLIS: She's watching over your child. She's a guardian angel to your child. KING: Do you feel... BROWNE: I think there's another child coming in. KING: We've got 30 seconds. VAN PRAAGH: Yes, I get two (UNINTELLIGIBLE) I agree with you. BROWNE: There's another child coming in. Yes, there's another child coming in. VAN PRAAGH: I totally agree with you. I was getting that too. BROWNE: Yes. VAN PRAAGH: Another child is going to be coming in. KING: Go take a test. You may be pregnant in Munich, right? BROWNE: And please go -- I'm concerned about her dying of high blood pressure. KING: OK. Watch that. Thank you all very much. VAN PRAAGH: Thanks, Larry. MARGOLIS: Oh, thank you. KING: The is movie "Frequency." It's a terrific film. Our guest, James Van Praagh, Char Margolis, and Sylvia Browne. All have hit books out. Carolyn is here with us in Los Angeles, and she'll host CNN NEWSSTAND next. I'll stick with Aptitude in the Derby tomorrow. Give it a shot, 20 to 1. Thank me later. Thanks for joining us and good night. TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT Search The Web Back to the top © 2001 Cable News Network. All Rights Reserved. Terms under which this service is provided to you. 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