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Have you lost a loved one you'd like to reach? She says she can talk to the dearly departed in the next world, says that ghosts and angels are real. And she's here for the hour and will take your phone calls. Sylvia Browne next on LARRY KING LIVE. Just a couple of quick notes. I've been fighting a head cold all week, and the head cold is winning the fight. Among the guests next week, first lady Laura Bush from the White House Monday night. We're going to see the White House at Christmas, your first look at it. Oprah Winfrey will be with us Tuesday, former president Jimmy Carter Wednesday, Tom Brokaw Thursday, and one week from tonight, former first lady Betty Ford. We welcome Sylvia Browne, a return visit to this program. She guests with us about twice a year. Her latest book is "Visits From the Afterlife" -- there you see its cover -- "The Truth About Hauntings, Spirits and Reunions With Lost Loved Ones." Hauntings? There are ghosts? SYLVIA BROWNE, AUTHOR, "VISITS FROM THE AFTERLIFE": Oh, yes. KING: What is a ghost? BROWNE: A ghost, Larry, is someone who hasn't made it -- in other words, who died, and they don't know they're dead. So they keep walking around and thinking that you're inhabiting their -- let's say, their domain. So they're aggravated with you. KING: Sometimes you tune in to a ghost? BROWNE: Oh, yes. I have. Yes. KING: They're ticked, then. BROWNE: Oh, yes. Because, you see -- let's say you live in a house that is inhabited by a ghost. They'll be really ticked off that you're living there, so they'll make all kinds of things rattle and... KING: What about poltergeists, those who do funny things. BROWNE: Yes, but that's the same thing. It's a poltergeist... KING: They're playful, though, aren't they? BROWNE: Mischievous, yes. KING: What is a spirit? BROWNE: A spirit is, like, your mother, my dad, who've made it. And they come -- they can come around, but they come around in a loving way because they've already made it to God. KING: Who knows who makes it? And why do some make and some don't? BROWNE: Most people make it. The people that don't make it are usually, let's say, deranged or they're looking for a child that, you know, died. I came across a mother whose child had died of diphtheria, and she didn't know the child -- she kept looking for the child. KING: Sylvia, why is this unprovable? It's not provable. BROWNE: I think -- I think it is provable, Larry, because... KING: Never seen one. BROWNE: No. Yes. But you know -- but I think it's because so many people have seen them, have felt them. Larry, you can't tell me you haven't had a hunch in your life. KING: But don't you -- isn't it true, first of all, the thing that separates humans from animals is we know we're going to die. BROWNE: Yes. KING: And in view of that, we'd like not to die. BROWNE: Right. KING: So we hope there's something after. We'd like there to be something after. BROWNE: Well, I think that's why ghosts are so important, don't you think? KING: Don't we want to believe? BROWNE: Oh, absolutely. KING: So -- see, your -- half the ballgame is won by the fact that we want to know (UNINTELLIGIBLE) BROWNE: Yes, but you see, Larry, I've done 40-some-odd years of research. And for instance, I have taken people who were Islamic or Protestant or Children from Turkey to Egypt, in death and dying, in astral projection and in hypnosis, they all saw the exact same topography. Now, Larry, that is impossible. There can't be some big imagination bubble in the sky that everybody tunes into. Why do they all see the Hall of Wisdom, the Hall of Records, when I didn't even know it existed? So why does everybody see the same thing? KING: So then every religious person, deeply religious person, church-goer, synagogue attendee, Muslim who prays five times a day should totally believe in you? BROWNE: I don't think that there is a person that I've met -- I'm sure there are -- that I've had any conflict with. When I... KING: No, but if religious fervor should believe in you because you're -- you're saying... BROWNE: Well, remember when we were... KING: ... what they believe is correct. BROWNE: Remember when I was on with the priest and the ministers? They didn't have -- remember? You asked them. They didn't have any problem with me. KING: No, but some do. Some think... (CROSSTALK) BROWNE: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. I think so. But I think because I've always been very spiritually conscious and very God-conscious, I think that that's why I never run into a lot of that. KING: Now, you call the subtitle "The Truth About Hauntings"... BROWNE: Yes. KING: ... "and Spirits and Reunion." BROWNE: Yes. KING: "Reunion" meaning, I meet up with someone from my life that's departed. BROWNE: Yes. KING: Now, where are all of -- easy to ask this... BROWNE: They're all around us. KING: But where? BROWNE: They're three feet up off the ground. On this topography, they exist with us. We just can't see them because they go at a higher vibration than we do. See, we're the world of the anti-matter. This is transient. We're all -- like you said, we're all going to die. Our houses are going to go away. Our cars get old. We get old. That goes. That stays. That's the eternal. KING: The spirit stays? BROWNE: Spirit stays. When you... KING: What age? What age is the spirit? BROWNE: Thirty. KING: They're all thirty? BROWNE: All thirty. KING: What if they died when they were 12? BROWNE: They go to 30. KING: They go to 30? Sylvia, how do you know this? It's easy to laugh. How do you know this? BROWNE: Well, you know, there's a lot of... KING: How do you know 30? Why not 31? BROWNE: That's what I said when I found out. But you know, even Revelations says -- and there's so many books -- even Kabbala -- that keeps mentioning 30. And I said -- when I found this out, I said, Why 30? Why not 40? Why not 50? Why not 12? It just happens to be 30. KING: Now, when people -- and we'll start taking calls in a couple of minutes. When they call and they say to you, Tell me about... BROWNE: Whatever. KING: ... whatever -- what happens to you? And why does it happen that through that phone, they transmit to you? Why isn't it transmitted from him over there or the guy over there or the guy out in the street now? How do you get it right from the phone to you? BROWNE: I don't know, Larry. You know, that's the most valid asked question that I've been asked for 40 years that I've been doing this -- 50 years. I date myself -- 50 years. I started when I was 16, 17. I was born this way, and I don't know how I do it. I can do it from a piece of paper. I can do it from a letter. I can do it from a phone. I don't know how I don't... KING: Can you explain to us what happens in your physical head when the caller says, Tell me about my father? BROWNE: It just... KING: The caller says that, what happens? BROWNE: It just comes in. It just comes in. I don't know how to explain it to you. It just comes in. See, I... KING: A voice comes in? BROWNE: No, no, no, no. No. Then you have to go to the doctor. It just seems like -- it's like I'm a tube, let's say... KING: You see them? BROWNE: Sometimes, yes. I can describe them. KING: When you don't see them, what do you -- what do you see? BROWNE: Then I get a feeling of an affectation or -- but most of the time, I will try to see them. KING: How come they're always nice? By that I mean, someone dies and they always ask -- We love you. We still love you. How come no one says, I didn't like you when I was alive and I still don't like you? BROWNE: Because heaven is a happy place. You see, if everybody was stomping around over there all ticked off, it wouldn't be happy. KING: How about hell. BROWNE: This is hell, Larry. This is hell. There's no... KING: I knew there was a reason I had a cold! BROWNE: Yes. KING: Nobody has a cold in heaven. BROWNE: No. KING: OK. This is hell. BROWNE: This is hell. There's no pit with somebody with a red suit. KING: What happens to bad people when they die? BROWNE: They have to come right back in. They don't get to go through the tunnel. KING: So the Hitlers and them, they come back. BROWNE: They recycle. KING: Until they what, get good? BROWNE: Well, until -- or else God absorbs them. KING: There is a God. BROWNE: Oh, yes, there is a God. KING: He is male or female? BROWNE: Both. Male and female. KING: Do you like your power? BROWNE: Sometimes, Larry. Sometimes it's hard. KING: Are there days you don't have it? BROWNE: No. KING: You always have it? BROWNE: Always have it. KING: When you miss, when you see something and the caller says, That's not -- I don't know what you're talking about -- are you... BROWNE: Because I'm not God. KING: ... how do you explain it to yourself? BROWNE: I'd be scared to death, Larry, if I was right all the time. Wouldn't that be scary? That would be frightening, if I was right all the time. KING: Do you ever have ghosts haunt you? BROWNE: Oh, yes. Let me tell you something about me, Larry, that a lot of people don't know. I keep a night light on because my room is so full at night, I can't get to sleep! They're walking in and out of my room. And I said, Look, you guys, you have to give me a rest. KING: You see the Eddie Murphy movie, "Haunted House"? BROWNE: No, I didn't. KING: It was right up your alley. BROWNE: No! (LAUGHTER) KING: Anyway, our guest is Sylvia Browne. Her new book -- she always makes "The New York Times" best-seller list, is "The Truth About Hauntings, Spirits and Reunions With Lost Loved Ones." The title is "Visits From the Afterlife." And We'll go to your calls right after these words. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: We're back with Sylvia Browne. Before we go to calls, are there things you learn sometimes you don't tell people? BROWNE: No. KING: No? Just not to spare feelings? BROWNE: I always tell what I see. R198 KING: OK. Here we go. Glencoe, Oklahoma. Hello. CALLER: Hi. Hi, Larry. I love your show. KING: Thank you. CALLER: Sylvia, can you tell me anything about my mom and my niece? KING: Mom and niece? OK. BROWNE: You mean... CALLER: Yes. Are they together? BROWNE: Yes. Was your mother round-faced, pretty eyes, short hair, and had a tendency to pull on the corners of her mouth? CALLER: You know, I don't remember her doing that, but yes, she kind of had a round face. BROWNE: Yes. But I mean, she would do this when she got -- you know, pull on her mouth when she got nervous. CALLER: I'm not sure. BROWNE: OK. Well, anyway... CALLER: I don't remember that. BROWNE: ... but they're together because there's also a heart- shaped face, younger female that's with her. But you know what they do do, is they do -- which is very common, is they ring the phone. CALLER: They ring my phone? BROWNE: And then no one's there. CALLER: That happens a lot. BROWNE: That's what it is. CALLER: That happens a lot. BROWNE: Yes. KING: So why, they're playful? Why... BROWNE: Yes, like -- you know, can you imagine... KING: They're not going to talk to her anyway, right? BROWNE: Well, no, but can you imagine what the bill would be? KING: Yes, but... (LAUGHTER) KING: But they have the power to do that, though. BROWNE: Absolutely. They do all kinds of electrical things. R199 KING: Plymouth, Michigan. Hello. CALLER: Hello, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: Love your show. KING: Thank you. CALLER: Hello, Sylvia. BROWNE: Hi, honey. CALLER: My father passed away March 23 or 2002. My mom tried several times to get through to you. We miss him so very much. Can you tell me, is there a message, something he might want to say to my mom or me? BROWNE: Yes, he says he's come in your mother's dreams three times. CALLER: OK. She's told me about that. BROWNE: Yes. He also met her in a meadow. CALLER: I don't know about that. I'd have to ask her. BROWNE: OK, ask her, because then he embraced her one night or she felt his hand... CALLER: Right. Right. BROWNE: Yes. Well, then she has gotten reciprocation from him. He had beautiful eyes, by the way. CALLER: Oh, my father -- I loved him so much. BROWNE: Yes. He had, like -- you know what we call puppy dog eyes? CALLER: That's Dad. BROWNE: Yes. Yes. R200 KING: Thank you. That's a spirited message. To Everett, Washington. Hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry. Thanks for taking my call. KING: Sure. CALLER: Sylvia, I'm wondering if you know anything about my cousin Sylvia. That's the first question. And my other one is about Lindsey (ph) in Sydney, if she can be found. BROWNE: You're talking about somebody that's alive, you mean? CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: The second one? CALLER: We hope so. BROWNE: Well, honey, I don't see her alive. CALLER: Oh. BROWNE: Well, let me tell you this. If she were alive, she was the kind of person that you would have heard from. CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: Do you know what I mean? She wasn't the kind of person that would have been cruel. Do you see what I'm saying? CALLER: Right. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: No, she wasn't. She wasn't that kind. And then my cousin Sylvia. BROWNE: No. Not alive, either. CALLER: No, no, no. She's been gone for 25 years, but we just found her -- the man who killed her, and we were -- I was just kind of wondering what she thought of that. BROWNE: Is this a dark-haired man? CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: Yes. With sort of a dark-complected... CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: Yes. Well, you got the right one. CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: OK. KING: Are people who are murdered -- do they react differently in death? BROWNE: No. Most of the time, the person doesn't even realize they're gone. You know, they go so fast, thank God, they're not even aware of it. R201 CALLER: Shizuoka, Japan. Hello. CALLER: Oh, hi. KING: Hi. CALLER: I'd like to ask about my mother. We had some unresolved issues. BROWNE: Yes. But I don't know if you could have had any resolved issues with your mother because she was so very difficult to deal with. And I'm not saying that to be cruel. So, you see, the thing that you got to realize is when somebody goes to the other side, everything is OK. CALLER: But she's -- you can definitely see her on the other side? BROWNE: Yes. Little. She's little. CALLER: Yes, well, the last time I spoke to her, she was alive. BROWNE: Yes, but see, I don't -- she's not alive now. CALLER: She's dead. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: You're telling me my mother has died? BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: You're sure about this? BROWNE: I'm positive. CALLER: OK. Well, I'll have to get back to you after I've called her. BROWNE: All right. CALLER: Thank you. KING: OK, now, what -- she doesn't know, hasn't heard from her mother. BROWNE: No. KING: And she's trying to reach her, hasn't heard from her. BROWNE: That's right. KING: You saw her as gone. BROWNE: That's right. KING: OK. And you were truthful enough to say that. BROWNE: Oh, I have to. R202 KING: San Diego. Hello. CALLER: Hello? KING: Hi. CALLER: Thank you for taking my call. KING: Sure. CALLER: I was wondering if my mother is around me. I lost her when I was just 18. Or if anyone else is around me. I miss her so much. BROWNE: I know. But you know what's strange? Who is the heavyset man with the receding hairline and the broad face? CALLER: Possibly my father. I lost him a few years ago. BROWNE: Yes. Because he actually comes around stronger. That doesn't mean she doesn't love you, but he just is -- seems to be more dominant. CALLER: I see. BROWNE: Because he drops coins. CALLER: He drops coins? BROWNE: Yes. KING: Wait a minute. He leaves coins? BROWNE: Yes. She'll find coins. KING: I don't understand that. How can a spirit hold a coin? BROWNE: They can. They can move cups. They can move books. They can move your... KING: Like poltergeists will move... BROWNE: Yes. KING: ... things in a building. BROWNE: Exactly. But a spirit is -- the stronger that they are, the more they are over there. The stronger they get, they can move things. KING: We had a store in Miami once in which every morning, things were found off the shelves. BROWNE: Right. KING: They went crazy. They kept lights on all night and things... BROWNE: Exactly. KING: Poltergeists do that, right? BROWNE: Absolutely. R203 KING: It was wild. Butler, Pennsylvania. Hello. CALLER: Hello, Larry. I was just wondering, I had two friends just recently pass away, one from a suspicious fire and one from a suicide. I just wanted to know if they're OK. BROWNE: Yes. The suspicious fire -- you're right, it was an arson. CALLER: Oh, wow. It's been suspected. They don't know what happened. They don't know if she committed suicide. They don't know if it was an accident. They don't know if she was murdered. BROWNE: Honey, I just got through telling you it's an arson. CALLER: Wow. KING: Who said... BROWNE: Arson means that somebody set it. KING: But she said -- you're talking about two people, right? CALLER: Yes. Another one committed suicide... BROWNE: Yes, but she... CALLER: ... shortly after she did, actually. BROWNE: Yes, but she was... CALLER: Or shortly after she died. BROWNE: She was bipolar, honey. She had a mental illness. CALLER: I got you. I could see that. BROWNE: And that's the hardest because I work with a lot of doctors. That's the hardest. But you know for a fact -- you were with her -- she'd have up days, down days, up days, down days. We all do, but I mean, she'd go into these real high highs. KING: What happens when a suicide dies? BROWNE: Well, if they're ill, then... KING: Mentally ill? BROWNE: Yes. Then that's fine. If they do it out of spite, then they just have to recycle and do it... KING: Some do it out of spite? BROWNE: Oh, yes. Just to be mean. (CROSSTALK) R204 KING: Brookfield, Wisconsin. Hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: Hello, Sylvia. I'm very happy to be talking to you. I'm just wondering -- both of my parents are deceased, and I'm wondering if you see either one of them around me or... BROWNE: Who is the angular man, the sort of slender, angular man? CALLER: Slender, angular man? BROWNE: Yes. Sharp features. CALLER: It could possibly be my mother's younger sibling, who died at a very early age. BROWNE: Yes. Because seems to be a younger male, but it looks like he died of some kind of a septosis of some kind. Something went wrong in his system. Yes. CALLER: I think, you know, that could very possibly be. BROWNE: You know, where the system turns on them. CALLER: Right. Right. BROWNE: OK. Now, who is the -- you know, what you say when you say a handsome woman, a woman that had very, very -- not heavy features but more of a handsome woman than a pretty woman. CALLER: Let's see. That could be my great-grandmother. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: My Irish great-grandmother. BROWNE: Yes. KING: Are all the relatives together, by the way? BROWNE: Oh, they all come. That's why you have to sift through them. KING: But you don't feel her mother or father? BROWNE: No. Now, who is -- of course, here we are with the Irish -- who's Maureen? CALLER: Maureen? BROWNE: Right. CALLER: Offhand, I don't know. Maureen just doesn't ring a bell for me right now. BROWNE: Yes, well, ask in the family because this is your mother's side. Yes. CALLER: On my mother's side. BROWNE: Yes. Now, what's the big dog? CALLER: Well, there's -- we've always had a favorite dog in our family, it seems, all throughout... BROWNE: No, but this is a big, big dog. CALLER: Big dog. Like... BROWNE: You know, like a German shepherd is a big dog. CALLER: Right. Or a black lab. BROWNE: Yes, a lab is a big dog. But there's a dog over there, a dark dog with a white... CALLER: A dark dog with white tips on his tail? BROWNE: Yes. I just got through saying that. CALLER: Oh! That's Tippy! BROWNE: Yes. KING: The dog goes to heaven, too? BROWNE: The dog goes to heaven. I wouldn't want to go to heaven if there weren't animals. CALLER: Well, I'm relieved to know Tippy's in heaven! (LAUGHTER) KING: Thank you. Dogs are there, too? BROWNE: Dogs, cats. KING: How about skunks? BROWNE: I don't think a skunk is there. (LAUGHTER) KING: Just a thought. Well, I know some skunks are there. BROWNE: No, I was married to one that might be there. KING: Different kind of skunk. Oh, your husband! (LAUGHTER) KING: He might be there, yes. We'll be back with more calls for Sylvia Browne right after this. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: The new book is "Visits From the Afterlife." She's Sylvia Brown. R205 The next caller is from Stockholm, Sweden. Hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: Loved your surprise birthday. KING: Thank you. It was fun. CALLER: Please have your family on again. KING: Yes. Thank you. CALLER: It's -- I lost... KING: Oh, next Friday night, by the way, a week from Friday, my wife will be on, singing a new Christmas song. CALLER: Oh, fantastic! KING: One week from tonight. CALLER: Fantastic. KING: Yes. Watch. CALLER: I lost my auntie, who meant the world to me. BROWNE: She was like your mother. CALLER: Yes. And I wasn't able to say good-bye to her. I tried to call her up on her birthday. This was, like, six years ago. And... BROWNE: Do you know that -- are you aware that she knew that a year before she was dying, that she was going? CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: And she understands that you didn't get a chance to say good-bye to her because she heard you talking to her. CALLER: Her birthday was on the 29th (UNINTELLIGIBLE) BROWNE: What is -- what is a picture that you have that's two thirds face that -- that seems to turn? A picture. CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: I have it beside my bed. BROWNE: Yes. But it seems that the picture will turn. You know, like, you put the picture one way, and the picture turns. CALLER: Yes, yes! That's true! BROWNE: Well, that's her, honey. CALLER: So she's with her. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: Oh, God! BROWNE: OK? KING: And she loves her, right? She knows... BROWNE: And she loves her, absolutely. R206 KING: All right, dear. That's good news for you, and I wish you the best. Portland, Oregon. Hello. CALLER: Hello, Larry. Sylvia, I lost my father about 16 years ago, and I was just wondering if you are hearing anything from him. BROWNE: What does he mean when he says princess? CALLER: Yes, he used to call me that. KING: Oh. BROWNE: Well, then, duh. KING: That might mean something to you.. BROWNE: Well, that's what I'm trying to tell you, that he says, Hi, princess. So that must be his message to you. CALLER: All right. Thank you. BROWNE: OK. KING: And well, you know that he says this, and then you know they're -- they're all doing well, right? BROWNE: Absolutely. They're all happy. KING: They're all 30 years old. BROWNE: Yes. Why didn't he call pumpkin or -- you know? R207 KING: Philadelphia. Hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: Sylvia, thanks for taking my call. BROWNE: Oh, you're welcome. CALLER: My dad died when I was 15, and I still feel him around me so much, especially today. And every once in a while, like, something will touch my shoulder. BROWNE: Not only that -- no, no, no. Listen to me. He also will be very -- you'll feel him very strong in a car. CALLER: Oh, really? BROWNE: Yes. He's with you a lot in the car. CALLER: Is he? BROWNE: Not only will he touch your shoulder, but he fiddles around with your hair sometimes. You know, like, you feel like something's in the back of your hair. CALLER: Oh, OK. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: Now, is he with my mom and sister? BROWNE: Yes. Who is the slender and then the rounder woman? CALLER: Well, my sister was very slender. BROWNE: Yes. Very -- . CALLER: Very petite and... BROWNE: Yes. And very, very little features. CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: Yes. And had a tendency to fiddle with her hair. CALLER: OK. Yes, she did. BROWNE: Yes. Now, who is the more rounder -- not fat, you know what I mean, rounder woman? CALLER: Well, my mother had, like, a rounder face. BROWNE: Right. Now, didn't she also have a tendency to do something with her teeth? You know -- something with... CALLER: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) clicking sometimes. BROWNE: Yes, clicking. Yes, they're all around you, sweetheart. KING: So they still do it -- if they clicked in life, they click in death. BROWNE: Click in life, they click in death. This is just a way of validating that they're there. KING: That leads to an interesting question. If she had dentures... BROWNE: No, no. She doesn't have dentures. KING: No dentures when they die? BROWNE: No. KING: OK. BROWNE: I have a bridge. I don't want it over there. KING: OK. All right. (LAUGHTER) KING: I just want to know. I'm just -- just asking. BROWNE: Just asking. I know. KING: If they wore glasses, are they wearing glasses? BROWNE: No. KING: No. In other words, they all get the little laser treatment and... BROWNE: No prosthetics. KING: We'll be back with more of Sylvia Browne on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) R208 KING: First Lady Laura Bush from the White House Monday night. Tuesday night, Oprah Winfrey. You're watching LARRY KING LIVE with Sylvia Browne. The new book is "Visits From the Afterlife." Now we go to Waterford, Ireland. Hello. CALLER: Hello. KING: Hi. CALLER: How are you? Sylvia, I'd like to see if you contact my parents or my partner's parents. BROWNE: I'm sorry dear... KING: Her partner's parents. BROWNE: Oh. Who is the real heavy set, rounded male, round face, kind of jowls. Ruddy complex. CALLER: Possibly my partner's father. BROWNE: He comes in the strongest. CALLER: Okay. BROWNE: Now, who is the woman that wore her hair back, looks like in a bun? Also, beautiful skin. Wore a lot of black for some reason. CALLER: I don't know. BROWNE: Because you have two of them. They come around you so strong. CALLER: Yes, no. I don't know who the lady is. KING: Not her mother, though right? BROWNE: No. Not the mother. But I see this really -- who died of a chest problem. The big heavy set guy with the ruddy complexion. CALLER: He died from a heart attack. BROWNE: That's what the chest is, honey. Yes. But he said that he comes around a lot and he also has footsteps. KING: So meaning -- do you ever hear footsteps, dear? CALLER: No, I don't. KING: Listen closely. BROWNE: Yes. R209 KING: Okay. Toronto, hello. Toronto, hello. CALLER: Yes, good evening, Larry. Thank you for the wonderful show. KING: Thank you. CALLER: Hi Sylvia. BROWNE: Hi, dear. CALLER: I lost my father six years ago on the plane traveling to Europe. I'd like to know how he died, because we never had any explanation from the airline. I was left with my mom suffering from Alzheimer's. I'm doing his wish. I hope he's happy and he's protecting us. BROWNE: Was your father -- had beautiful dark hair with some gray in it? CALLER: Very blond. BROWNE: No, no. This man that I see is dark. Dark haired. Because he comes and says he's a spokesperson. CALLER: Maybe his father. BROWNE: Could be. Because he has gray in his hair. CALLER: Maybe that's my brother-in-law then. A big man? BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: That's my brother-in-law that we lost nine years ago. BROWNE: Yes. He's a spokesperson. He says that your father went like that. Quick as a -- quicker as an arrow. CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: But he also mentions something about fire. I don't know what that means. CALLER: Well, he was on the plane. I can't hear you at all, Sylvia. KING: He died on an airplane is what you're saying, ma'am? CALLER: Yes. He died on the airplane traveling to Europe and I still don't know how he died. BROWNE: But see, I think he had a stroke, but he also says something about he felt a fire. So I don't know what the fire was. CALLER: I have no idea what the fire means. BROWNE: Now ask in the family. KING: There might be something connected with a fire? BROWNE: Yes. R210 KING: Scotsdale, Arizona, hello. CALLER: Hi, Sylvia. I had lost my only sister, my mother and my grandmother in a 15-month period, but recently my first grandchild was born. Were my loved ones there to experience this with me? BROWNE: Oh, yes. In fact, there were actually three women that came around you experiencing it. Two short, one tall. CALLER: Yes. KING: Someone gives birth, the family comes? BROWNE: Oh, yes. And in death, they come. KING: They come at death? When this lady eventually passes away... BROWNE: They'll all come. The two short ones look like somewhat alike. The taller one was kind of lean. KING: Does that jive, dear? What? CALLER: Has my mother been reunited with my stepfather? BROWNE: Was he an angular built man with sharp features? CALLER: Yes, he was. BROWNE: Yes. Then she's with him. Had a tendency to rub the side of his side burn or whatever. Had a tendency to do something with his finger and rub the side of his side-burn. CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: When he was thinking. CALLER: He did. And my mother also suffered really bad with rheumatoid arthritis. How is she now? BROWNE: They don't have that over there. KING: No one is in pain? BROWNE: No. KING: Now, when you're seeing this rubbing of the hand? What you seeing? BROWNE: I'm seeing this angular man with sharp features. KING: You saw him? BROWNE: I saw him. KING: Sometimes you don't see them? BROWNE: No. KING: In this case you saw him? BROWNE: I saw him. R211 KING: Miami, hello. CALLER: Hello? hello? KING: Go ahead. CALLER: I this Sylvia? BROWNE: Yes, it is. CALLER: Yes, sweet heart. I have just two questions I want to ask you. My mother passed away seven years ago and my brother died two years ago. I want to find out if they're together. And also, I want to find out if my mother is still with me. My spirit. Because I don't feel her like I did before. I used to feel her around me a lot. Lately I don't. BROWNE: You know, I did the same thing with my father who I adored. As the time goes on, they're still with you, but I don't know how to explain it to you -- but they ascend to a higher level so it's harder for them to get in. In your case, they send butterflies and birds around so you have -- and this isn't the time around to have birds around but you'll get birds around. CALLER: Birds? BROWNE: Birds. CALLER: That's funny. I've been seeing birds every day. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: In the morning. BROWNE: This isn't a time of year to see them. CALLER: And I do feel -- my phone sings -- rings every so often. BROWNE: You'll get a gardenia or a rose scent. You'll walk in the room and say, who's wearing the perfume. CALLER: Really? BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: My mother, does she know when I'm lighting a candle, is she there? BROWNE: Yes. Because you seem to be also lighting it by a picture. KING: I'm going to ask you a question. Why don't they just contact them? Why doesn't her mother just like speaking to you, speak to her. BROWNE: I think they do in their thoughts. We're too busy. We're just too busy. KING: You're the tuner in? But if we wanted to, we could all tune? BROWNE: I think god gave everyone of us a cell phone, we just dropped it. R212 KING: I threw mine away. Clinton, Connecticut hello. CALLER: Hi. I like to talk to Sylvia. My niece died last year. I like to know if she is happy. BROWNE: Yes, she is very happy but wasn't this a fast passing? CALLER: Is she know I was over there? BROWNE: Yes. What I'm saying is, wasn't this a fast death? It looks like she went quick. CALLER: She has cancer. BROWNE: Yes, but what I'm saying is she went quick. She felt you holding her hand. CALLER: I was not over there. BROWNE: I don't know. She says she felt you holding her hand. CALLER: I see. Okay. Okay. KING: She's saying she went fast when she discovered the cancer, wasn't long before she died? BROWNE: Right. CALLER: She know I was over there when I -- funeral. BROWNE: Yes, honey. That's what I just said. KING: They do know right? BROWNE: Yes. R213 KING: Shugiak (ph), Alaska, hello. CALLER: Hello, Larry. Thank you for having Sylvia on. KING: Sure. CALLER: Hi, Sylvia. I've been wanting to talk to you for years. BROWNE: Oh, bless your heart. CALLER: At 9 years old my mother committed suicide around Christmas. And I'm still messed up over it and I was just wondering if you had any message from her, or if you could tell if it was intentional. BROWNE: No, no, no. Listen to me, don't say anymore to me. Your mother was schizophrenic. She couldn't help it. You see what I mean? She was in so much mental agony. She got this from her mother's side of the family. You can track it. She didn't do this out of cruelty to leave you. CALLER: OK. I've lost total contact with her side of the family. I don't know any -- in so many words my father, the next day, blamed me, because I was the only one that knew she was in the garage so I was... BROWNE: Yes, but your father wasn't all together either, do you know what I mean? CALLER: Absolutely. I'm still trying to forgive him. BROWNE: Yes, well, sometimes we have to give it to God, because he was always mean, that's not a news flash for you. CALLER: You're absolutely right. KING: How's his mother now? BROWNE: His mother is fine. And she's sorry about the way that she left, but she says that she kept hearing voices and she couldn't stand it any more. KING: That should make you feel better. CALLER: Yes, thank you very much. KING: Thank you. BROWNE: You're welcome. R214 KING: Tulsa, hello. Tulsa, are you there? CALLER: Yes. KING: Go ahead. CALLER: Hi, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: And Sylvia. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: I love both of you. KING: Thank you. CALLER: And Sylvia, I wanted to ask about my mother. She worked at the same hospital I work in, and she passed away in that hospital, also. And frequently, I ask for her guidance during the day. BROWNE: And she'll give it to you. CALLER: I -- I often feel that. And I just wanted to know if she thinks I'm doing OK. BROWNE: Oh, yeah. She'll even guide you to a room to go into. You know? Like if somebody needs you or whatever? You get this overwhelming feeling to go into a room or to do this or to go down the hall or whatever. CALLER: Yes. And lots of times when I'm like walking through the hospital, or going up and down the stairs, that I know that she is, because it will be in the part of the hospital where her office was. BROWNE: Right. CALLER: Always I think of her and I'm -- like I'll say something to her. BROWNE: Oh, yeah. You have got to talk to them. CALLER: And the other thing I wanted to ask is my spirit guide's name. BROWNE: Maddy. CALLER: Maddy? BROWNE: Maddy. KING: Everyone has a spirit guide? BROWNE: Everyone. KING: What is my spirit's name? BROWNE: Malcolm. KING: Malcolm! OK, I just wanted to scare him up a little bit. I haven't heard from him in months. Used to call, he used to write. BROWNE: I know. KING: Go have a spirit guide. Go. OK. We're going to take a break. Tomorrow night, two of the best singers in the business. They also happened to be married to each other. Vince Gill and Amy Grant tomorrow night. We'll be right back with more calls. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) R215 KING: We're back with Sylvia Browne. London, England, hello. CALLER: Hello. Hello. Hello, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: Hello, Sylvia. Yes. I would like to ask a question of Sylvia. KING: Sure, go ahead. CALLER: Yes, Sylvia, my aunt died earlier this year. And I'm really troubled by the fact that she knew she was dying and she didn't tell me, even though she raised me and though we practically grew up together. BROWNE: Honey, don't you realize that was so much like her? She never wanted to worry you about anything. Why does that surprise you? She never wanted to worry you, she always wanted you to be happy. Why don't you realize that was so much her? CALLER: Yes. That is -- you're right. That is true. That is very like her. And she is well and OK? BROWNE: Oh, she's well and OK. She's also come and actually sat on your bed. CALLER: She has? Oh. BROWNE: You know how you're lying there and you sort of feel like the bed's gone down on one side? CALLER: Yes. BROWNE: That's her. CALLER: Oh. OK. Does she have any message for us or anything? BROWNE: She said for some reason she wanted to say so much to you toward the end, but she couldn't. I don't know whether she was -- she went too fast, or she was in a coma or whatever, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say. KING: But she's there for her, right?. BROWNE: Yes. R216 KING: North York, Ontario, hello. CALLER: Hello. KING: Hi. CALLER: Thank you, Larry, for taking my call. KING: Sure. CALLER: Hi, Sylvia. And I want to ask two questions. One, my father passed away almost 12 years ago, who I loved and adored, and my sister-in-law, who died a month later. We were very close. Almost like a sister to me -- of cancer very young. And is there a message from both of them that you can hear from that? BROWNE: What does your father say about some -- I don't know what this means. Something that has to do with unfinished papers. Something that has to do with unfinished papers. Something that's coming about that's going to be with papers. CALLER: I don't know. That I don't know. BROWNE: Well, I would look for insurance or whatever, because there's something that he's concerned about that didn't get finished with his passing. CALLER: OK. BROWNE: Yeah. CALLER: And -- and my sister-in-law? Anything -- she died too young of cancer. BROWNE: I know. CALLER: ... and left a wonderful family that I happen to love and adore, and they're like my children. BROWNE: Yeah. But she said that before anybody realized it, the cancer had spread everywhere. CALLER: Yes. This's true. BROWNE: You know, it metastasized so quick. CALLER: Yes, that's very true. BROWNE: Yeah. KING: So once they die, there's no pain? Everything is gone? BROWNE: No, everything is gone. R217 KING: Spokane, Washington, hello. CALLER: Yes, Larry. Love your show. KING: Thank you. CALLER: Sylvia, I want to thank you for sharing such a special gift with us. BROWNE: Oh, you're welcome. CALLER: I lost my aunt on Valentine's Day '98 and my mother the following January, and every once in a while I would hear someone call my name and wake me up. BROWNE: That's your mother. CALLER: Is it my mother? BROWNE: Yeah. She does it early morning. Your aunt comes about 3:30 in the morning. You know, you'll wake up at that time because the room changed. CALLER: Huh. Another question I need to know is, have they connected with their mother? BROWNE: Yeah. Well, if they have, this little bitty short person, whoever she is... CALLER: Yeah, she's a little short, fat woman. BROWNE: Yeah. KING: And you saw her? BROWNE: Yeah, I saw the little, short, fat woman. CALLER: Did you really? BROWNE: Yeah. KING: Do all generations get together? BROWNE: Everybody. KING: Back to 1783? BROWNE: Oh, yeah. Your mother, your -- everybody's there. R218 KING: Vancouver, British Columbia, hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry. It's good to be talking to you. KING: Thank you. CALLER: Hello, Sylvia. BROWNE: Yes, dear. CALLER: I was wondering if you could tell me, I lost my husband three years ago, and I found him in the morning and he was already gone. And I wonder if he maybe called out and I never heard him. BROWNE: No, honey, no. CALLER: And I've always been going to this regret that maybe he did call. BROWNE: No, honey. He didn't call. No, this is what we call a silent death. He just laid down. That was it. CALLER: Is he with me, Sylvia? BROWNE: Yes, honey. Did you know that he had a stroke? CALLER: No. The doctor said that -- the paramedics said that it was a heart attack, and he went peacefully. BROWNE: Yes, he did, but it was a stroke, though. But it doesn't matter. But he did go peacefully. He didn't know what hit him. CALLER: I see. And everything has been going wrong with the house since he went. It seems that -- sometimes I wonder if it's a sign that maybe I should get rid of the house. BROWNE: Oh, honey, you've got to move. He wants you to move, because he says also there's going to start being mold in the house. So he wants you to get out. CALLER: OK. Thank you, Sylvia. BROWNE: All right, dear. KING: Thank you. Back with more calls for Sylvia Browne right after this. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: By the way, before we take another call, Sylvia has a new line of jewelry items on that she's worn some that are communicating a spiritual message with portions donated to Multiple Sclerosis and Make a Wish. BROWNE: Yes. KING: What is that, the necklace? BROWNE: Yeah, it's earrings, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) and I got together, and it's really -- the three circles mean commitment, gratitude and loyalty. And, you know, it's for everybody. KING: Where do people get them? BROWNE: On my Web site. KING: Which is? BROWNE: KING: Just, and you'll see all the items? BROWNE: Yes, they'll see all the beautiful items. KING: And you give those portions of the... BROWNE: Oh yeah. I want to give it to MS and Make a Wish. R219 KING: Newport, Virginia, hello. CALLER: Yes. Hello, Larry. KING: Hi. CALLER: Hi, Sylvia. BROWNE: Yes, dear. CALLER: I lost my dad in May of 2002. And I was just wondering if you see him or if he's OK or if he's around... BROWNE: Why does he keep pointing to his head? CALLER: His -- his head? Well, he -- I don't know. BROWNE: I don't know either, but he keeps pointing to his head. So something must have been going on with his head. CALLER: He had cirrhosis of the liver. BROWNE: Yeah, but I think what finally took him -- here we go again with the stroke. Because he said before he died, he swelled up. CALLER: Yeah. BROWNE: And he said his actual death was by a stroke. But that's neither here nor there. What does he keep talking about someone rubbing his hand? CALLER: When he was sick? BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: My mom would sit by the bed and hold his hand. BROWNE: Yeah. And he says he felt that. CALLER: And does -- I mean, is he still around? BROWNE: Oh, yeah. He's still around. In fact, he comes around and he does something strange with clocks or watches. CALLER: Clocks or watches? BROWNE: Yeah. KING: Change the time or something? BROWNE: Yeah. Change the time, stop the time, whatever. R220 KING: OK. Let's try Austin, Oklahoma. CALLER: Hello? KING: Hi. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: Good evening, Sylvia. I have a question. My husband and I were in a head-on 18-wheel accident almost seven and a half years ago. And he died instantly. BROWNE: Yes. CALLER: Can you tell me how it happened? We've never been told. Other than head-on with another 18-wheeler. BROWNE: Do you know that he really swerved strangely to protect you? I don't want you to feel guilty about this, but he -- he really swerved to protect you. CALLER: I did not know this. BROWNE: I know you didn't. But he apparently wanted you to know it. CALLER: Do you know how it happened? If another -- if the other truck caused it? BROWNE: Yeah. They went to sleep. CALLER: Which driver? KING: The other driver? BROWNE: The other truck, honey. CALLER: The other truck driver? BROWNE: Yeah. CALLER: This has never been identified to us at all. BROWNE: Well, honey, I don't know how anybody would know that. How would they know that he went to sleep? CALLER: I don't know. KING: Did anyone else die? CALLER: No. The other driver and his son were injured, and I was injured severely, but nobody else died. My husband was thrown from the truck. BROWNE: But what I'm trying to tell you, honey, is I don't think you realize that your husband saved your life. CALLER: I see. BROWNE: Do you see what I'm saying? KING: And he's still around, right? BROWNE: Yeah. He's still around. He stumps (ph) around. R221 KING: Last call. Beacon, New York, hello. CALLER: Hi, Larry and Sylvia. Thank you for taking my call. KING: All right, quickly, dear. CALLER: Sylvia, I'm asking about my paternal grandmother. How she's doing. I think about her every day. And thank you for contributing to the Multiple Sclerosis Society, because I have got MS, too. Thank you. BROWNE: Oh, bless your heart. She comes around and she also brushes your face. She's another one that comes in dreams. So she's always around, honey. CALLER: Oh, good. I feel her around a lot. BROWNE: Oh, yeah. KING: When they go to higher planes, do they go away forever? BROWNE: They don't go away forever, but it's harder for them. It's when my dad died, I saw him a lot more than I have lately. KING: Always good seeing you, darling. KING: Oh, you, too, sweetheart. KING: Sylvia Browne. The book is "Visits From the Afterlife: The Truth About Haunting, Spirits and Reunions With Lost Loved Ones." Now, I'll be back in a couple of minutes to tell you about the weekend. Don't go away. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) KING: Tomorrow night, Amy Grant and Vince Gill. And among the guests Sunday night will be former Judge Sal Wachler (ph) and former Secretary Andrew Cuomo in the Clinton administration. Next week, Laura Bush, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Carter, Tom Brokaw and Betty Ford. Right now, it's time for "NEWSNIGHT," time for New York, time for Aaron Brown in the snow. 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